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{ Aria }

"Why're we meeting Derek at the school?" Joselynn sits up placing her head in between Stiles and Scott.

"Because, I have a plan." Scott sighs looking in the rear view mirror. It was at me. I wasn't stupid.

"A plan that'll help us or a plan that'll hurt us?" I look up at him with my mad face.

"I...I don't know."

We pull into the school, Stiles parking in his normal spot he parks in. We all get out of the jeep meeting at the back of it.

"This is a terrible plan." Stiles shakes his head.

"I know."

"And we're still gonna do it?!" I look at Scott.

"Can you come up with something better?!"

"Usually I'm a fan of just ignoring a problem until it just goes away." Stiles shrugs, speaking before I could.

"Just make sure we can get inside." Joselynn looks at Stiles.

I open Stiles's trunk, getting out some pliers and a flashlight. I car pulls up behind us. Derek's usual black sports car. We walk over to it, waiting for Derek to get out. He notices I was the one with the pliers.

"Do you think it's safe for a pissed off girl to have pliers? Especially when the one's she's pissed at is not even 5 feet away?"

I roll my eyes playfully, "Where's Deaton?"

"In the back."

We walk over looking in the back. Seeing Deaton duck taped with his hands tied together.

"Ah, he looks comfortable." Stiles looks up causing Joselynn and I to turn him around. We all start to walk in the school which only made Derek protest.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I told you I'd linger in the Alpha." Scott looks at him then turns around. "Imma see if you're right."

We got inside the school, walking around slowly. Someone grabbed my hand causing me to immediately throw the pliers back. I heard a yelp with a groan causing me to turn around. Scott.

"I'm sorry! Oh my god I'm sorry!" I look at him as he leans against the lockers.

"He kinda deserved that." Joselynn shrugs.

"Let's go." he groans taking my hand again. "Look." he finally calms down. "I'm sorry, about earlier. In Econ."

"The thing with Allison." I turn the corner with everyone.

"Yeah, I, look, there's nothing going on between us." he looks down at me.

"Maybe not. But Scott, you broke my promise." we walk into the office. "You promised me you would stay away from her."

"And I did for a good while."

"Yeah, but not completely."

"Okay, I have a question...what're you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?" Stiles turns the desk corner as the rest of us. I sit down in one of the rolly chairs watching the boys.

"I don't know."

"And what're you gonna do if he does show up?" Joselynn looks at him.

"I don't know."

"Great plan." I stare at his back.

"Now, you guys said that a wolf howls to single his position to the rest of the pack, right?"

"Right, but if you single him does that make you part of his pack?" Joselynn looks up at him from standing by Stiles.

"I hope not." Scott whispers.

"Yeah, me too." Stiles mumbles.

"What would it make Joselynn and I?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Lonely." Stiles places the microphone in front of Scott.

He makes some adjustments on the keyboard thing on the desk then looks up at Scott.

"All you, buddy."

He clears his throat getting ready to make his howl. But instead of a howl was a sound of a dead cat coming from a teenage boy who was a teen-wolf.

"Was that okay? I mean that was a howl right?"

"Technically." Joss scrunches up her face.

"What did it sound like to you?"

"A cat being choked to death, Scott." I get up walking up to him.

"What do I do?! How am I suppose to do this?!"

"Hey, hey, listen to me." I rub his shoulders. "You're calling the Alpha. Be a man." I smile. "Be a werewolf. Not a teen-wolf. Be a werewolf." I turn around to go sit back down but smirk when I think of something. I run up to his ear and whisper something. "Think about how after this you could have me. Completely. Best part, Scott..." I place my hands on his hips. "Now, that we're wolves and strong and feisty and stuff...I like it...rough." I whisper kissing his cheek.

His eyes widen before he lets out this big howl into the microphone. I smirk.

{ Joselynn }

We went back outside and as soon as we came into contact with Derek he yelled.

"I'm gonna kill all four of you. The hell was that? What're you trying to do? Attract the whole state to the school?"

"Sorry, I didn't know it'd be that loud." Scott grips Aria's hand.

"Yeah, it was loud." I smile at Scott. "And it was awesome."

"Shut up." he looks at me.

"Hey, don't be such a sour wolf." Stiles shrugs.

"What'd you do with him?" Scott looks over.


We all look inside the car until I noticed Aria looking across the street. I look up not seeing anything.

"I didn't do anything."

"Derek!" she screams but was to late. The Alpha dug its claws into Derek. Blood started pouring out of his mouth as the Alpha lifted him up.

"C'mon!" Scott screams pushing all of us up the hill. We run into the school sitting against the doors.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." Aria kept repeating.

"Hey, calm down." I place my hands on her shoulders. "It's going to be okay."

"We just witnessed a friend die, Joss! That's not okay!"

"Calm her down, Joselynn! I swear calm her down! Do not let her panic!" Stiles looks at me seriously. I've never seen him that serious.

"It's okay. Just calm down. Derek's not dead. He didn't die." I shake my head. "It's okay."

"How do you know?!"

"Because I do. Its okay."

"We're gonna need to lock this." Scott holds the door.

"The pliers." Stiles looks out of the window.

"Don't you do it, Stiles!" Aria shouts.

"They're right there. I'll be in and out before he notices."

"Stiles, please!"

"I'll get them." he opens the door running out.



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