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{ Aria }

After dropping Scott and Jose home, Stiles and I could finally go home to our home. Sure we could be al- never mind.

"Why's dad home?" Stiles knits his brows.

"No clue, but I smell...burgers...fries and um salad."

"Anyway sweets?"

"Peanut butter cookies." I smile at him. Peanut butter cookies honestly are one of my favorite kinds of cookies. Melissa usually makes them and gives them to our dad.

"Burgers fast food?" he questions as we approach the front door.

"No, they smell like when we were- kids." we both say the last word as we all through the front door.

"Hello, my two children." he gives us a peck on our foreheads.

"Dad, are you dying?" Stiles gives him a confused look.

"Please don't be. I really need you." I look at him.

"I'm not dying." he guides us to the dining room. We sit in our usual spots...Stiles across from me, dad at one head of the table and across from him...empty. That was mom's seat. To my surprisment, dad places a picture of mom on the table where she would sit.

I place my hand over my mouth before looking down and taking a deep breath. No panic attacks. It's gonna be okay Aria. No panic attacks. I look back up to my two favorite guys looking at me.

"I'm okay." I breath.

"Just making sure." dad smiles before putting food on the table.

Stiles and I had various panic attacks after our mom died. I mean they were daily attacks and sometimes they were even at night. Mine seemed to be worse though. I'd have more trouble trying to get calm than Stiles.

"Aria, Aria...what are you doing?" dad snaps me out of my world.

I shake my head out of my thoughts before seeing I was grabbing a burger. I'm vegetarian....why the hell am I eating meat?

"Just, um..." I look over at Stiles.

"She was thinking back to kid life..." Stiles starts.

"And...I just, don't know." I shrug.

"You were doing so great. It was for your new start after mom." dad frowns.

"I figured it was time to change again."

"For change is good." Stiles nods.

{ Stiles }

"Stiles!" I hear an ear piercing scream in my sleep. I figure I'm just dreaming until I hear it again. "Stiles!" It was a sob scream causing me to jerk up and run to Aria's room. She was clutching her bed spread with her eyes squeezed shut as she was gasping.

"Aria, breathe. C'mon it's okay. Just breathe." I pull her into me as I freaked out. "C'mon just breathe." she had her arm around my neck gripping me.

Soon enough dad came rushing in seeing the terrifying sight in front of him. He came on her bed before soon rubbing her head then up and down the bridge of her nose.

"What're you doing?!" I snap looking up at him.

"It helped when you guys were kids."

"I think cpr is the proper thing now, dad. I mean I think I'm not totally for sure."

His phone went off, he was getting ready for work, which he quickly pulls it to his ear.

"I'll be in late...my daughter's panic attacks are back." he places the phone down on his bed then looks at me. "Lay her on the bed on her back."

I nod placing her down and I was gonna get up to make a call, but she gripped my hand.

"C...c..." she was trying so hard to get me to do something.

"Hold on, I'm gonna go call Scott, okay?"

She nods weakly as I bend down pecking her forehead then head out of her room. I lean against the wall with my phone up to my ear.

"What, Stiles? C'mon man it's the weekend."

"God, I woke up to Aria screaming me name. Do you know how long it's been since that's happened? I thought we were actually doing okay, man."

"Whoa, wait, what happened?"

"Her panic attacks are back, dude."

{ Joselynn }

"Well, your's aren't back, are they?" I run Stiles's forearm as we turn out of Aria's room. She was still shaken from the sudden attack as Scott had her securely in his grasp.

"No, but I should've seen this one coming." he sighs looking at his twin sister.

"Why? You couldn't have predicted this, baby."

"She had a mini one at dinner last night when we got him. Dad placed a picture of mom on the table where mom usually sat. Aria covered her mouth and looked down. Joss, she was taking deep breaths when she was looking down." he whispers as much as he possibly could for her not to hear. I mean he didn't care if Scott heard.

"I dunno, but we need to tell my dad about the other half of the body." he sigh looking at her again. "Of course she's gonna wanna go so we'll need to wait a little bit."

"I'm just glad you thought fast about the cpr thing." I peck his lips.

"Hey, you two." his dad approaches us quietly. "These are for you sister." he hands Stiles a pill bottle.

"God, these are all to familiar." he covers his mouth. "She's not gonna want these."

"She needs them, Stiles. You may not wanna see her with them again, and she may not wanna them again, but she needs them."

"When are you leaving?"

"Soon; be safe today, Stiles. Please?"

He nods as his dad walks off then we both walk back into Ari's room. Stiles gives her a small warming smile.

"Hey, how're you feeling?"

"Okay." she sits up while still leaning against Scott. "What's that?"

"Oh." he places the bottle down on her bedside table.

"What? No. I don't want those. I don't need those." she tries scooting over to the other side of the bed.

"Hey, hey." Scott stops her. "Just, calm down before you have another attack."

She takes a small breath before nodding, "Okay, fine."

"Now, who wants to reveal a crime scene to my dad?" Stiles clasps his hands together.



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