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{ Aria }

"Okay, okay, he's gone." I look closely at Derek's property.

"How do you know?" Stiles questions me.

"Well, I heard him leave and I saw his lights." I look at him like he's stupid. "Who's the smart one here?"

"Stiles." Jose and Scott blurt.

"Did I ask the both of you? No, I don't think so." I turn to look at them in the back. "Stiles, just go." I point forward. "Go horsey go."

"Would you shut up?" he begins pulling up to Derek's old burn down house. It looks as if it were going to collapse at any moment now. Which I'm sure it would if someone put their backs into it enough.

"This place creeps me out." I huff as I hug myself looking around.

"Then stay in the car." Stiles jumps out while grabbing the bag with the shovels.

"Um, no." I hop out as we all meet at the beginning of Stiles's car. "Wait, wait." I look around as we begin to walk to the dug up spot.

"What?" Stiles places his hand on my forearm.

"Something's different. Something isn't right."

"Phew, I thought I was the only one." Jose rubs her face.

"Different how?" Stiles looks amongst Scott, Jose and me.

"I dunno." Scott shakes his head as we approach the door. "Lets just get this over with."

"Agreed." I nod looking around. "Is this place haunted? I mean his whole family did pretty much burn here."

"Let's not think about that." Stiles nods as he begins to dig along with Scott. Jose and I were just here to e with the boys. I don't think there's ever a moment when we're not together when it's something exciting. That's just the group we are.

It was taking a little bit for them to dig up the body and I could tell Scott was getting worried. Looking around a lot after he throws dirt on the ground. Don't get me wrong I'm sure he wasn't the only one beginning to worry.

{ Scott }

"This is taking to long." I look over at Stiles as I continue digging.

"Keep digging."

"What if he comes back, Stiles?!" Jose snaps.

"Then we get the hell outta here." he licks his lips

"What if he catches us?!" Aria pulls her knees closer to her chest.

"If everybody would stop yelling he wouldn't hear us if he's close. Second I have a plan for that."

"Which is?" I continue digging hopping I hit the body soon.

"We all run separates ways and whoever he catches first...too bad."

"Wow that's very logical, Stiles." Aria looks at him as if he's so stupid. Which that idea is pretty stupid.

"I hate that plan." Jose shakes her head.

Stiles throws is shovel back in the dirt but we all hear a noise. A noise like the crunch of a bag.

"Wait, Stiles." I stop him. We get on our hands and knees to continue our digging from there. Scooping up dirt and roots...other things of nature. Then we got to a rope wrapped around a bag. Stiles immediately trying to untie all of the knots.

"C'mon, Stiles." Jose rushes him.

"I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?" he continues fiddling with the rope.

"I'll do it." I begin to untie the knots as well. The both of us doing should pick up our pace. The knots were getting super loose and before we know it we're just pulling the rope apart. We place a ends of the rope to the side and fold back the paper to see a jet black wolf there.

All four of us scream scooting back away from it.

{ Aria }

"What the hell?!" I look at the jet black wolf we found instead of the body we intended for.

"What the hell?! I thought you guys said you smelled blood! As in human blood!" Stiles looks at all of us.

"We told you something was different." Jose shrugs.

Stiles looks down at the wolf for a couple of minutes before gesturing his head.

"This doesn't make any sense."

"Your head?" Scott knits his brows.

"No! This wolf! We gotta get out of here." he leans up.

"Yeah, we do." I nod still looking at the wolf.

"Here, you guys help me cover this up." he begins to cup the dirt. Jose and I drop to our knees to help him when he was just staring at something. I look back behind then back at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you see that flower?" he points behind me. I look behind me again -Jose and Scott doing so too- and we see a purple flower.

"The purple one?" Jose looks at him questionably.

"No, the black one." he purses his lips at her.

"Anyway, what about it?" Scott questions.

"I think it's wolfsbane." Stiles begins to get up to go and grab it.

"What's that?" he looks at him.

Stiles scoffs, "Haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man?"

Scott thinks a moment then shakes his head once he thought about it, "No."

"Yuan Chaney Jr? Claud Raines?"

He shakes his head once more receiving yet another scoff from Stiles. I shake my head.

"How have you never seen The Wolf Man? The original werewolf classic movie."

"No, what?!" Jose snaps before Scott was able.

Stiles scoffs yet again, "Both of you are so unprepared for this." he gets up heading over to the flower. He picks it up carefully before finding out its tied to a rope. I knit my brows as I watch him pull up the rope as he walks in a circle around the dead wolf.

I look back down, my eyes growing wide as I jump back. Nobody even paying attention. Just paying attention to Stiles and that flower.


They all look at me curiously before coming to stand next to me then look down. All taken by surprise. It...it was now the other half of the body. The girl's other half.

"Whoa." Scott breathes out.

"Should we leave now?" Stiles looks between all of us.

"Yeah, sounds good." we all nod before running away from the girl and to Stile's jeep.



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