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{ Aria }

Scott suddenly opens his eyes causing me to sigh out in relief. He sits up then hops off of the table causing Deaton to turn around.

"Whoa, calm down. Welcome back." I place my hands on his shoulders.

"You should probably sit back down." Deaton sits him down from my grasp.

We hear the door to the vet open with the ring of the doorbell. I knit my brows as I look towards the lobby. I begin to walk towards it but Scott places his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay." I give him a small smile. He sighs before I walk towards the lobby. "Sorry, but h-" my eyes widen at the site in front of me. "He's closed."

He just smiles at me, "Hi there. I'm here to pick up."

"Um, I'm not totally sure you've dropped off here before."

"These two wondered in on their own." he walks closer to me with a small smirk.

"E-Even if th-they did, he still wouldn't be a-able to help. He's closed."

Wow I stuttered really bad.

"Awe, I think he can make an exception this one time. Don't you?" he was only a few feet away from me as he had a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry. It's not going to be possible." I built up some confidence. "Maybe you could come back during the regular hours."

"You of all people know there are some things of mine here. I'm here to collect them."

"Like I said. He's closed." I walk up a little.

He attempts to open the counter which confused me into why he couldn't. He scrapes his short finger nails against the wood before looking up.

"Well, aren't you being protected. Old trick that is."

I knit my brows then watch as he picks up a chair then throws it towards me. Deaton appears in front of me, pushing me back into the surgery room. I hear a whisper shout, causing me to look on the direction. I crawl over that way and as I get there Scott pulls me against him.

"Oh, you're okay. You're okay." he breathes as he plants kisses to the top of my head. Um, okay then.

"There are others who can help never what I want, Scott, Aria. More innocent and far more vulnerable."

"Who?" I look at Scott.

"Allison." he whispers.

{ Stiles }

"Call it again."

I groan, "It's not here."

"Hey, where's the girls go?" Scott continues looking around his room.

"Uh, we to talk about somethings I think. They've been having some problems with each other."


"But, so you lost your phone." I throw my arms up. "Why don't you just get a new one?"

"I can't afford a new one." there was silence for a moment. "And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek."

"Whoa, hey. A.) You're not alone. You have me and Aria and Joss. And B.) didn't say Derek walked out into gun fire. He sounds pretty dead."

"There just using him to get to the alpha. They're not gonna kill him."

" let them do what they're planning. You know, they use Derek to get Peter. Problem solved."

"No." he chucks some clothes outta his closet. "Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own. Which means we need to find Derek first. Just...just help me."

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