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{ Aria }

I look at the dress that was lying on my bed that once did belonged to our mother. I hear footsteps before they stop.

"I don't think I should go." I say quietly.

"Of course you should!" Stiles exclaims as he walks over. "You should go. You should totally go."

"I have nobody to go with." I look up at him as  he was having trouble with his tie. I smile, pulling his hands down slowly. "I'm a girl and I know how to tie this."

"I asked dad for a clip on, but he said- real men wear real ties." we said the last part in unison. "Put the dress on."

"No, Stiles, I literally have nobody to go with. Nobody. Scott's sneaking in because he can't go and he wants Allison safe. You're going with Joss. Jackson's taking Allison. I have nobody."

"There's Lydia." he shrugs after I finish tying it.

"I'm not, no." I shake my head.

"Please go. I'll be sad all night because my twin sister would be locked up in her room probably watching Netflix as she cries. I'm not having that." he shakes his head as he places his arms around me.

"You really care a lot about me." I whisper into his shoulder.

"Of course! You, Aria, have been one of my main extreme priorities since mom died. I've been making sure that you don't shut down because that is the last thing I need. Now, put on the dress. The bluish-gray tint makes your beautiful bright blue eyes pop out. I'll get make-up stuff out while you change." he walks to my bathroom as I peel my sweats and hoodie off.

I pull the strapless bluish-gray foot length dress up till it's where it needs to be. On the chest it's like a cross over. I walk over towards the bathroom where Stiles was rummaging through my make-up.

"Get the smokey eye stuff?" I question as I was holding the chest up because it wasn't zipped.

He looks over, smiling before he goes behind me and zips it up. I grab my make-up, doing it as he plugs in my curling iron.

This kid knows me to well.

After I get completely ready, I went to my closet where I had some white wedges to go with it. Now that I was completely done, Stiles held his arm out then I looped our's together.

No, he's not taking me.

He walk down the stairs where dad was sitting on the couch and the door had a knock. Stiles gives me a smile before walking to the door.

"That was your mom's." dad stands up.

I nod, "Yeah, she placed it in my closet when I was little. She said "you'll know when to wear it when the time comes" I thought this was a good time."

I look over, seeing Stiles escort Joss over who was in a beautiful dress. It was a pink floor length dress the crossed over one shoulder. It had its little decoration of silver diamonds I guess you would call them.

"I'm getting pictures of all of you." dad spoke.

We all groan in response.

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