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{ Aria }

"Stiles, no!" I chase after him as we run to the kitchen to get the last bit of milk.

"It's gonna be mine!" he laughs.

We reach the kitchen and he flings open the refrigerator. He smiles as he opens the half gallon jug then begins drinking it with a smirk on his face. I groan as we begin to walk away then stop as I see dad.

"Whatcha doing?" I look over.

Stiles stops walking then comes to stand beside me.


"Anything we can help with?" Stiles looks between me then dad.

"You know, if either of you poured ounce of whiskey. That would be awfully nice."

Stiles and I have each other a look, then rush to the whiskey and dad's glass. I get the whiskey then pour while smirking as Stiles did with the milk. I grab the bottle and glass as Stiles follows me to dad. I sit down beside him then look at the files and paper work.

"Any leads?" I go to grab, but he smacks my hand.


"Ow." I look at him.

"You know I can't discuss that with either of you." he looks back down. I go to hand him his glass, but think for a minute. "Not to much."

I open the bottle and pour just a little more till it's full. I put it down on his coster.

"There ya go, dad."

He picks it up then downs the entire thing in one drink. I give Stiles a look as he was giving me one too.

"Now, Derek Hale would be a whole hale of a lot...hale of a lot."

"Hell of a lot?" Stiles questions quietly.

"Hell...yes." he gives me a thumbs up.

"Uh, dad. That was Stiles. Not me. Last I checked I didn't have a voice of a teenage boy."

"He would be a hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him."

Stiles and I look at each other confused before Stiles asks, "How do you not have a picture of him?"

"It's the weirdest thing. Every time we try to get a mug shot he as like two..."

Stiles grabs the picture as I lean over to look at it with him.

"....laser beams pointing at the camera."

He was right. It actually looks like that with Derek's eyes. It looks like they're giving off light. It made me wonder if my eyes would do that. If Joss's would. Even Scott's.

"Nice." Stiles mutters.

"Oh my god." dad huffs while taking his glasses off. "That ounce hit me like a brick." he scratches the back of his head. "And I have said way to much. If either of you repeat any of that..."

"Dad, it's us. We're not gonna say anything. C'mon." Stiles laughs slightly.

"See the thing is, they're all connected. The bus driver that got killed. He was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale House Fire."

"Terminated under suspicion of fraud." Stiles reads.


"Who else?" I was looking at a file.

"The video store clerk who got his throat slashed; he's a convicted felon of arisen."

"What about the other two guys? The guys who got killed in the woods." I look at dad.

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