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{ Aria }

I was in a purple sports bra along with blue sweats as I did pull ups in Stiles's door way on his door frame. My hair was in a messy bun as my phone was on his dresser playing "Somewhere In Neverland" by All Time Low. Stiles humming along with it considering he like them as well.

"So, why are you doing pull ups?"

"It's helping me calm down." I breathe in my nose and out my mouth as I go up and down.

"What happened? Something in detention."

"I'm pretty sure Harris has now some suspicions about me."

"What did you do?"

"He pissed me off."


"I'm pretty sure my eyes glowed because he ended up shutting up." I count doing pull ups.

"Hey, it's me again, look I found something and I don't know what to do, okay? So, if you could turn your phone on right now that would be great, or I'm gonna kill you. You understand me? I'm gonna kill you, and I'm too upset to come up with a witty description of how I'm gonna kill but I'm gonna kill you." he's silent for a few seconds before groaning into the phone then speaking. "Good bye."

It was silent for a few minutes causing me to change the song on my phone. Someone's hand brushed across my waist causing me to fall down onto my butt which I screamed when I was falling.

Stiles jumped then looked over seeing dad as I look up.

"You can't do that!" I groan.

"Please tell me I'm gonna hear something good at these conferences for the both of you."

"Depends how you define good news." I stand up.

"I define good news as both of you getting straight A's, with good behavioral issues."

"You might wanna rethink that definition." Stiles moves his head from side to side.

"Enough said." dad turns around walking away from us.

I walk over to Stiles who was looking at the video on Lydia's phone. Stopping right on the face of The Alpha. Which I was the last person to know about this Alpha.

"C'mon Scott, where the hell are you?" Stiles rubs his slightly more grown out hair.

After a little while of me inspecting it then handing it back to Stiles with still no call from Scott, he grabs the phone. I inspect him as he hits options then delete.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm deleting the video." he hits yes then I'm sure.


"Scott's not going to call so whatever."

I roll my eyes playfully before going back to the door frame then jumping up. I change the song to "My Songs Know What You Did" by Fall Out Boy.

{ Stiles }

"Well, hello." Joselynn stops in front of Aria.

It was dark right now she still has yet to come down.

"She's been doing that since she got home from detention." I look on one side of her.

She jumped down then laid back on my bed taking heavy breaths.

"We...should probably...get to the school." she says in between breaths as I pull Joselynn into me.

"Well, go put a hoodie on and we can go." I look at her with a duh tone in my voice.

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