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{ Aria }

It was the weekend so I decided to do what I've been wanting to do for like 3 weeks now. Go to the hospital to look at something. So, I took my bike from the garage and just rode there. Because, why not? I'm sure Stiles has stuff to do today.

After taking forever to get there, which I just used extra leg strength to do it, I finally got to the hospital. I went inside with my arms crossed against my chest as I held my jacket tighter. I went up to the receptionist desk seeing Melissa. The nurse I wanted.

"Hi, sweetie." she automatically knew who I was. I see her most of the time so why wouldn't she?

"Hey." I don't say to loudly which causes her to look up. Her smile immediately dropping.

"Have you been getting sleep?"

"I'll answer that as long as I can see mom's file. Please. It's really important."

"Aria, you kn-"

"-Please, Melissa, it's important. Really important." I plead as I watch her.

She sighs, holding her finger up. I wait there patiently to see the file. Please, please don't let me think what is happening is happening. Please. She soon returns moments later with a folder, placing it in front of me. I read it, the cover saying Claudia Stilinski: 2004.

I take in a shaky breath opening the folder to see a bunch of dreams. I go to look at all of her death symptoms:




Night Terrors



Everything I've been going through for the past three-four weeks. About a month basically. Looking at these symptoms then thinking to my symptoms make my breathing begin to quicken and get uneven. I fall to the ground sitting against the desk with the folder still in my hand.

"Aria!" Melissa runs around the corner to sit beside me. I couldn't catch my breath as I was just sitting there having a panic attack. I was crying which made it 10x worse. "I'm gonna call Scott."

"N-no!" I sob out. "St-stiles." I stutter looking at her. Everything was becoming blurry causing me to blink repeatedly.

"Breathe, Aria. In and out. Deep breaths. In and out." she breathes with me as she reaches for the nurses' phone. "In and out. Deep breaths."

I nod as my breathing begins to calm down but my crying doesn't.

{ Stiles }

I pull into the hospital parking lot, not have called anybody about this. I didn't even call dad. Nor Scott nor Joss. Nobody. I get out of my blue jeep, making my way into the hospital.

Aria just got out of here; why is she back? That one question as my zooming through my mind since I got the call from Melissa.



"Melissa? Aren't you at work?"

"Yes, I am, but your sister came in asking for your mother's file. She looked at it then fell to the ground -in a sitting position- having a panic attack and crying."

I breathe at deeply as I make my way through the sliding automatic doors to the nurses' counter. Melissa wasn't at the counter which made me confused.

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