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{ Scott }

"Why is there a rumor going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" Lydia writes on the board.

"Because I'm sorta not." I sigh out.

"I think you sorta are. Especially when you brutally injury my boyfriend by ramming into him."

"He brutally injured himself by running into me." I stop writing then look at her.

"Jackson's gonna play tomorrow. But he's not gonna be this peek, and prefer my boyfriend a peek performance. At least my boyfriend doesn't brutally damage people. Wonder how you treat Aria?" She looks back at the board.

"I don't hurt her." The chalk in my hand broke as I spoke through clenched teeth.

"Mr. McCall, that was my chalk."

"Okay." I was still looking at Lydia not even realizing the teacher spoke.

"Excuse me?"

"And being captain of the Lacrosse team for you, Scott, what if they start off loosing? That would mean you loose the Lacrosse team. I don't date loosers." She snaps her head at me.

"Yeah, Lydia? Loosing one game isn't gonna kill anyone." We both go back to working out the problem on the board. "In fact, it might even save someone."

"Fine, don't play." She puts on this thinking face. "We'll probably win anyway. Then we'll go out after on the group planning. I'll introduce both Allison and Aria to the hot players on the team. Aria doesn't know them, right?"

"No." I look at her slowly. "She doesn't."

"That's good. And Scott McCall can just stay home surfing up porn." She finishes the problem then dusts off her hands. She walks off back to her seat leaving me there surprised.

"Mr. McCall, you're not even close to solving your problem."

I roll my eyes breathing out deeply, "Tell me about it."

{ Aria }

"C'mon, Aria." Scott smiles as I approach my locker to place my things away and grab my bag.

"Why are you rushing me?" I smile opening my lock.

"Because I can." He places his arms around my waist.

"Guys, guys." Stiles runs over knocking into Scott who knocks into me which I go in the locker.

"Geez, Stiles." I pull up.

"C'mere." He pulls on Scott who was still clutched onto me.

"Stiles!" I raise my voice. "Stop! What do you need?"

"Dad's here! He's talking to people! I need to know what they're talking about."

"Why didn't you get Joselynn to do it?" Scott looks at him.

"Because he knew I was gonna wanna know." I shut my locker then follow Stiles. We end up at the corner of the stairs where we saw our dad, a deputy and a man.

I listen in carefully almost picking it up completely until Stiles nudges me.

"Can you hear them?"

"Hear who?" Jose appears.

"Shh." I have my hands in front of them.

"Anyone under the age of eighteen needed in their homes by 9:30. We wanna put this curfew into effect immediately. Some people -like myself- have already made their children do this. I've forced my twins onto this."

"Curfew because of the body." I turn around looking at all three of them.

"Thought that was already happening." Stiles knits his brows.

"No, he was just starting with us. He said that some parents have already forced their children onto this. I know I've made my twins do this." I explain.

"That's unbelievable. He made us do it early."

"I wasn't even thinking of that..." I trail.

"What were you thinking about?"

"The fact he's out looking for the rabid animal that did it while the real jerk off who did it is just lounging about doing whatever he wants." I look between them.

"Well, we can't necessarily tell him about Derek." Jose crosses her arms.

"Yeah, but I can do something."

"Like what?" Scott looks at me.

"Find the other half of the body." Stiles and I say at the exact same time. Stiles and I walk off hearing Jose behind us. Well not following us.

"Are you kidding?"

{ Joselynn }

"Scott! Scott!" Aria and I chase him through the woods.

"Stay back!" He jumps off his back looking at us. "Stay away from me right now. I seriously mean it."

"Scott, you-"


She flinches a little before backing up slightly, "Okay, fine." Well she was somewhat mad now.


"-No, I'm gonna stay away from you. Because that's what you want."

"Just at this particular moment. I'm going to Derek's and..."

"That's why we came after you, Scott! There's no reason to go to Derek's!"

"He was at the field when we were outside, Aria! He was looking at you!"

"Yeah! So what!"

He turns around causing Aria to pull me with her behind him. We get up to Derek's creepy old burned down house. Creepy.

"Derek! Derek!"

We all look in a direction seeing a covered up part of the ground. Something was off. It was just off. We look back causing all three of us to jump.

"Stay away from her!" Scott looks at Derek.

"Scott, it's okay." Aria takes in a shaky breath.

"Stay away from Allison too. She doesn't know anything."

"Yeah, what if she does? Think your little buddy Stiles can just search werewolves and have all the answers?"

"Don't underestimate my brother." Aria
steps forward.

"What're you gonna do, pup? You don't know a single thing about being a werewolf. None of you do. I'm looking out for you. Think about it, Scott. You're out on the field and you shift. In front of everyone." He picks up Scott's Lacrosse pole. "Your mom. All your friends. And when they see you...everything falls apart." He breaks the net in the pole.

"That was not needed." Aria looks at him.

"Yeah? It'll be better if it breaks, sweetheart." He runs his thumb down her face before throwing it in the air.

Scott goes to hit him but catches his pole first.

"Don't touch her!" He shouts before we even realized Derek was already gone.

"Well, that was pleasant." I place my hands on my hips.



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