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{ Aria }

"Keep it protected." Dad was strict about this bite I had.

"I will. Stiles and I are gonna be late if we don't go." I groan looking at Stiles for help.

"Oh yeah, she's right." He nods clearing his throat. "We're gonna be late if we don't hurry."

"Okay, be safe."

We nod heading outside to Stiles's car which was rather strange. It's like a really tall jeep.

"I still think your car is weird." I buckle up leaning against the window.

"Why? It's a beauty." He smiles driving off and towards school. "I like it. Very important for things like last night."

"Yeah, which Scott, Joselynn and I almost got killed need I remind you." I look at him.

"Hey, all three of you now know don't be left alone in the woods." He shrugs.

"How were we suppose to know there was a wolf in the woods?"

"Wolf, you mean like werewolf? Aaaaroooo." He jokes around.

"Oh my gosh, you're so immature. Shut the hell up." I shake my head looking away from him.

"I'm just saying." He smiles pulling into the school parking lot. "A-a-a-arooooo."

"Stiles." I look up him. "Please, shut.the.hell.up." I hop out of the car after he parks.

Scott and Joselynn were waiting in our usual spot causing me to walk over to them and leaving Stiles behind. Scott and I share a long kiss before pulling back seeing Stiles and Joselynn doing the same.

"Dude, let me see." Stiles nudges Scott's arm. Scott pulls his jacket and shirt up slightly and we all see the bandage that's the size of a book.

"Did you need a bigger bandage?" Joselynn jokes.

"How big was your bandage?" He looks at her harshly.

"Not that big." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Mine's half that size."

"How about you?" Scott looks at me.

"Mine was on my leg..." I trail.

"Basically what she's trying to say is that it's wrapped around her leg like 10 times." Stiles looks at him.

"I didn't put it in though. See last night after we left the vet I went home and dad wasn't home yet but somehow Stiles was. I was trying to get it all wrapped up before dad could see and I needed Stiles's help. But as usually dad appears somehow." I roll my eyes. "He showed up when I was getting bandages."


We were now in our first class of the day which was very boring. I almost fell asleep until he mentioned the body from last night.

"Now, as you all may know, there was a body found last night. They do have a suspect in custody." When he says this I turn to look at Stiles who was in my view. I turn to look at Joselynn too and we both share a confused look. Scott wasn't in my view.

Just then I heard a phone ringing like it was in my head. I place my hands over my ears looking down.

"Holy cow." I whisper.

"Ms. Stilinski." That sounded like it was in my ear too. I look up to see he was still at the blackboard. I must've had a scared look because he chuckled. "You and your brother. Have that same look."

"Gee, never thought I'd be like Stiles. Great accomplishment." I speak sarcastically.

"Mom, I'm here. It's fine."

I look out of the window seeing a girl out on one of the court yard benches. Was that the phone I heard? Impossible. I shake my head softly.

"I just forgot a pen. Ugh, how could I forget a pen on my first day?"

"No?" I suddenly hear.

"Sir?" I jump looking at him.

"Go to the bathroom, Ms. Stilinski. I don't think you're quite awake yet." He points at the door.

I nod getting up. I look between Joselynn, Scott and the window and they both nod. Then I just leave the room.

{ Joselynn }

We were now walking outside to the boys' lacrosse team cuts.

"Have you seen her anymore today?" Stiles looks at me worried.

I shake my head, "Not since she was told to go to the bathroom."

"How bout you, Scott?" Stiles looks at him. "Scott? Hello?" Stiles nudges him then looks at what he was looking at. The new girl. Allison. "Uh, no." He pulls his face. "You will not be doing this to my sister. Do you understand?"

"Doing what?" Scott looks at him.

"The all flirty and friendsy thing with other girls. You can do that with chicks that aren't my sister."

"Okay, calm down."

"McCall, play goal." He gets handed the pole. "And what're you doing here?" He looks at me.

"Oh, I, um..."

"She was going to the bathroom. We haven't seen my sister and she was last there." Stiles looks at the coach.

"Yeah, uh, bye." I give him a small smile and he returns it. I head inside to the closest bathroom because well, that's one she went to this morning. I only know that because I just passed the classroom we were in. I walk inside the bathroom.

"Ar-" I see she's unconscious. "Aria." I hurry to her side and shake her. "Dammit."

I pull my phone out calling Scott first. Voicemail. I go to Stiles contact shaking as I put it to my ear.

"C'mon, Stiles." I whisper.

"Oh my gosh, you should see Scott."

"Stiles." I breathe out slowly.

"What?" He could tell something was up

"I found Aria." I swallow. "You should probably get Scott and both of you should come to the girls' bathroom."

"We'd get in trouble, wouldn't we?"

"No, it's after school. Just please."

"Okay, yeah we're coming."

"Thank you."

I place my phone back in my pocket as I try shaking her again to try to wake her up.

"C'mon, Ari. Please wake up. Don't have let this happen because of that bite." I shake her. The door barges open causing me to jump then turn around. "She's not waking up, Stiles." I shake my head standing up as my eyes welled. "No reflexes. Nothing."

"Aria, c'mon beautiful. Wake up." Scott bends down to her.

"What if it was the bite?" I look between them.

"Like infected?" Scott looks over.

"I dunno, yeah." I shrug.

She suddenly shoots up causing all of us to scream and jump.

"Aria, are you okay?!" Stiles gets beside her.

She was having trouble catching her breath as she leans into Stiles. Once she finally caught it she got up leaving the rest of us. Leaving the rest of us confused to add.

"Should we be concerned?" Stiles looks at us.

"No, we should just forget this happened." Scott spoke sarcastically.



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