{ Aria }

"Okay, basically you guys are wolves." He cuts to the chase.

"What?" Scott knits his brows.

"The hearing, the smelling, the weird impossible things you can do....they're all perks of being a werewolf. That's what you guys are. You change on full moons. I did the research. The thing that triggers the changes are being mad and adrenaline like pumping through you. You can't go to that party tomorrow. It's a full moon. Cancel your date with my sister."

"What? Stiles, you're the one that doesn't want me to upset her."

"Hello, I'm right here." I look between them.

"Hold on, give them a moment." Joselynn pulls me down on the bed beside her.

"But this you need to do, Scott." Stiles breathes out slowly. "You guys cannot go to that party. You'll wolf out. Full
moons you can't control it unless you know how to. You guys don't. You're what they call newborns."

"Stiles, everything in my life is turning perfect! I'm playing first line! You're sister is the most amazing thing that happened to me! Stop trying to ruin it!"

"If I'm the most amazing thing that happened to you then why the hell did you kiss Allison?!" I shot up from my seat.

"Hey!" Joselynn shouts. "Calm down! If Stiles is right about the mad thing you need to calm down!"

"Whatever, stop trying to ruin it!" Scott pushes Stiles against the wall.

"Scott! Let go of my brother!" I pull on him.

He pulls back and grabs the chair throwing it to the ground before leaving. Joselynn walks over to Stiles while I pick up his chair seeing it ripped...but it looked like with claws.

"Stiles." I swallow.

He lets out a deep breath before walking over to see. His eyes widen.

"He was starting to change."

"Talk about being pissed off." Stiles licks his lips.

{ Joselynn }

Aria walks out of Stiles room closing the door as she does. I walk over to Stiles with a small smirk wrapping my arms around his neck from behind.

"You think what I found was right?" He lets out a shaky breath.

"I dunno, but seeing that makes me believe so." I turn him around and slowly kiss him.

"Wha...what are you doing?" He stutters as we slowly move to his bed and he falls back leaning up on his hands. I give another soft kiss, straddling his waist in the process. "I love you so much."

I smile as I kiss him again, "I love you."

I push him back on the bed slightly as he struggles to even stay up. He slides his shirt off and I let my hands explore his body as he pulls at the hem of mine. I nod and he quickly slides it off throwing it on the floor. I smile as he grabs my waist pulling me down on him.


"Shit, I didn't know he was gonna be home early." Stiles gets from under me and grabs his shirt. I grab mine and we both head downstairs -our shirts on- seeing his dad. "Hey, dad. Didn't know you were gonna be home early. Did you find out about that girl that was at school?"

"No, Stiles, I didn't."

"Gee, do you have pictures?" He asks hopping to see the file. His dad sighs handing over the folder. It was like Aria heard the folder being handed to Stiles because she was by his side in an instant from upstairs.

"This doesn't look like a mountain lion." Aria looks up. "Those look like claw marks."

"I was just about to head to the animal clinic to ask about that." Mr. Stilinski looks at her curiously.

"Oh, perks of hanging out with Scott at the animal clinic when he's working."

{ Scott }

Change on the moon.




Random animal attacks.

The attacks seemed to be adding up. A wolf has been attacking everybody. But wait...it can't be a wolf. There hasn't been a wolf in California for maybe 60 years. It has to been a mountain lion.

That's right, Scott. It's a mountain lion. You're not a vicious wolf. You're a normal teenage boy with a beautiful girlfriend.

A beautiful girlfriend who hates your guts for kissing another pretty girl.

But I didn't mean to do that.

But you couldn't help it either. You probably have a liking for this girl now.

No, I don't like Allison. I love Aria. That's it.

"You better listen to your friend."

I was in the woods and I hear that voice. Not a voice in my head. It was an actual voice.

"Who? Stiles?" I look around, searching for the source. "About the wolf thing?"

"Oh yeah. He's right. You're a wolf, Scott. Along with those two girls."

"Who are you?" I look around, feeling like the world was spinning fast.

"It's me, Scott. The mysterious guy."

"Mysterious guy? Only mysteri- Derek? Derek Hale?"

"Correct, Scott, I can help you and those two girls. I can help you control the changes."

"Are we gonna get hurt physically?"


"Will we hurt people?"


"Will people hurt us?"

"If you're not safe."

"Will we kill people?"

"Probably." He finally reveals himself from behind a tree.

"Is the changing gonna hurt?"

"First time, yes." He nods. "But you'll get used to it."

"I don't want this. I don't want this for, Aria either."

"Is Aria one of those girls?"

I nod, "Please don't hurt her."

"I'm not, but you might."

"What? I-I don't wanna hurt her." I shake my head.

"You almost hurt her today, Scott. I saw it."

"That was Stiles. Her twin brother."

"I'm sure Stiles doesn't have shoulder length hair that's brown."

"Well, his hair is brown."

"Scott! Focus! You don't wanna hurt her, right?"

I nod, "Right. Is Joselynn gonna hurt Stiles? Am I gonna hurt Stiles?"

"Probably. Scott, if you don't wanna hurt any of your friends...I need to be the one to help you. He wants you."

"Who wants me?" I knit my brows. "Derek. Derek!"



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