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{ Aria }

"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?"

We were now on a high level in the school. We were in a chemistry lab right as the Alpha passed this room.


"5? I can barely fit in the back!" Allison whispers.

"It doesn't matter." Joss shakes her head. "There's no getting out without drawing attention."

"I'm getting the key." Scott suddenly walks over from having a conversation with Stiles.

"Are you sure?" Allison looks at him.

"It's the best plan we have. Somebody has to get the key from the janitor."

"You can't go out there unarmed." I place my hand on his arm.

He grabs a teacher's pointer stick causing all of us to give him a look of stupidity.

"What? It's better than nothing."

"There's gotta be something else." Joss shakes her head.

"There is." Lydia speaks up.

"What're we gonna do? Throw acid on him!" I cross my arms.

"No, make a fire bomb. Everything in there is what you need to make a self igniting molatulv cocktail."

We all her a very surprising look, not expecting that from her. Once she notices our looks for freaks a little.

"What? I read it somewhere."

"We don't have a key for that either." Joss huffs.

Jackson just breaks it open then Lydia grabs all the necessary things to make this bomb. Meanwhile, I tried avoiding Scott with his stupid plan to go out there.

"He's crazy." I was staring off in the distance as Stiles came beside me.

"He's just...he's trying to save us."

"Well, he needs to think of something better." I look at him.

"Here." we hear Lydia.

I turn around and watch as Scott takes the tube full of liquid.

"No, you can't do this. You can't go out there." I walk over to the counter.

"I can't just wait here for your dad to check his messages."

"You could die. Don't you get that?" Allison walks over. "He's killed three people."

"And we're next." Scott raises his brows. "Somebody has to do something."

"Scott, just stop!" she and I follow him as he begins walking.

I look at him taking in a sniffle, "You remember when you told me you could tell whether I was lying or not? That my nose twitches when I lie? I can tell when you lie too." I shake my head suppressing a sob. "You're a horrible liar, Scott. You've been lying all night." I turn around away from him and Allison only for her to talk.

"Just please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please." her breath was shaky. I turn around slightly to watch.

"Lock it behind me." he whispers, beginning to go. She pulls him back towards her and they kiss. Passionately. He kissed her back just the way she kissed him.

I throw my hands over my mouth taking in short breaths. I felt two pairs of arms go around me, seeing my brother and my best friend. Both of them taking me down to the floor before I went myself.

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