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{ Aria }

"I dunno, I kinda think Stiles is right." I had my arms around Scott's torso but was looking at Joselynn and Stiles.

"What're you talking about?" Scott looks at me.

"I mean, maybe we shouldn't go to that party. What if what he found is true?" I look up.

"Nah, we're not vicious werewolves." Joselynn shakes her head.

"But you don't know that." I shake my head. "You saw what Scott did to Stiles's chair." I let go of Scott.

"Can we lower our voices?" Scott looks around.

"Dude, there are no other bionic hearing kids here." Stiles looks at him like he's stupid.

"It's not bionic hearing!" Joselynn exclaims.

"Okay! Sorry!" Stiles holds his hands up.

"I mean is it a good idea to go to that party?" I look at all three of them.

"Of course, silly. You'll have fun." Lydia walks over.

"Hi, Lydia. Where's Jackson?" I tilt my head.

"Oh, hm, I actually don't know. I think he's in class." She nods. "Yeah, he's in class. You should totally come though, Aria. We need to hang out more and become friends. You, me and Allison."

"Allison? New girl, Allison?" I clench my fist slightly.

"Oh yes, she's a sweet girl. You should get to know her. I'll see later. Toodles!" She smiles and walks off.

"Am I a pole or something? Or does Lydia not like me?" Joselynn looks at me.

I shrug, "I dunno, but hey. Made she's right. Maybe I should get to know Allison."

"Well, we have chemistry with her. That's next." Stiles shrugs. "Sit by her."

"Will do." I walk off towards a chemistry class.

I walk up to the door just as the bell rang. I wait for Allison who ended up being behind me.

"Hi, Allison, right?" I point.

"Yeah." She smiles. "You look like...gah I know him. He's Scott's best friend."

"Stiles. I'm his sister, Aria."

"Oh, oh god I am so sorry for the kissing thing. I did not mean to do that, I swear." She apologizes quickly.

"It's fine." I smile. "I'd like to get to know you better. Lydia said you, her and I should hangout."

"That would be nice. How about at the party tonight?" She questions as we walk into the chemistry room.

"I would like that. It'll be fun." I smile.

{ Joselynn }

"Do you still have a thing for Lydia?" I sit behind Stiles in chemistry. While he sits beside Scott and usually Aria's beside me, but today she's beside Allison.

"What? No. What makes you think that?"

"I was just wondering. You've had one since third grade."

"Actually I stopped having one in ninth grade. When we became a thing." He turns around and smiles.

I smile then loose it when I see the teacher. Staring right at Stiles and I.

"Detention. Both of you."

We both place our heads down on the tables with a small groan.

"How long, sir?" Stiles looks up.

"Till four."

"My dad needs me home at 3:30." He lies.

"Nice try, Mr. Stilinski. Both of you are staying."

He huffs, "Guess it's good I'm not playing."

"Awe, it'll be okay, Stiles." Scott smiles patting his shoulder.

The bell soon rang causing all of us to pile out of the classroom. Aria coming over and slapping Stiles upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"You getting detention! How am I getting home?"

"Gee, Aria, you have legs for a reason."

"Dad doesn't want us walking from school to home though."

"Here's an idea...don't tell him." He smiles. "Not very hard."

"What if he's home?"

"Sneak in through the window."

"What happens when you come home and I happen to not be with you?"

"I'll call you that way you can come back out of the window."

"You guys are so complicated." I shake my head.

"Did you talk to Allison?" Scott looks at Aria.

"Yeah." She nods with a sigh. "She's actually a really nice girl. Maybe Lydia's right. Maybe I should be friends with her."

"Cough no cough." Stiles fakes a cough.

"Why?" She looks at him.

"You don't be friends with a chick that kissed your boyfriend. That's just not right."

"She's really nice though. It's not like they had a make out session. Right?" She looks at Scott.

"Right, plus I pulled away immediately."

"Okay, okay. Who're going to the party with? Lydia and Allison? Or us?"

"Why not all of you? I mean you're all my friends and boyfriend."

"Why Jackson?" I whine.

"I didn't say Jackson. I just said Lydia and Allison. Never said Jackson."

"That sounds good."

{ Scott }

"Well doesn't that just suck, McCall?" Jackson pushes me against the locker. "Lydia and I are going together. If you guys wanna hang out with us then do so."

"Funny, Lydia said it was gonna be her and Allison...just her and Allison." Aria crosses her arms. Stiles and Joselynn had walked away before Jackson appeared.

"Go on somewhere, Stilinski."

"Excuse me."

I shake my head softly at her telling her not to get mad. You know in case that full moon stuff is true. Maybe it's harder on the day of the full moon. I mean I don't think it's true; that was until I saw her eyes turn a very very light purple. It was really really really light. You could barely tell. I look down whispering.

"Eyes." Hopping she'd hear.

I look over and she was gone. I knit my brows before looking back at Jackson.

"How about you get off of me?" I push him off of me. "Which way did she go?"

"The girls' bathroom."

"Which way?" I say a bit clearer.

"That way!" He points.

I head the way he pointed making sure nobody was looking before I walk in. She was breathing heavily while standing over a sink.

"Aria, are you okay?" I walk over to her slowly.

She nods, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Were you starting to change?"

"I'm okay. No." She turns around and smiles at me.

I nod with a small smile, "Okay, let's go."



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