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{ Scott }

"Wait, wait, hold on." Derek breathes out causing Joss and I to turn around and simply look at him. "Something doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Joss looks at him.

"I don't know. It's's kinda's kinda like it wa-

"-No! Don't say to easy!" I shout. "People say to easy and bad things happen."

He gave me the most "oh my god look" as he rolled his eyes at me.

"Look, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's da- None of this has been easy!" I exclaim.

He sighs out, "Fine, you're right."

I sigh, "Thank you."

Just then Derek was shout in the shoulder with an arrow. Joss and I knit our brows before looking in different directions for the shooter. I finally spot both Allison and her aunt. Derek got shot in the thigh this time before I hear her aunt mutter something.

"Scott! Joss! Your eyes!" Derek exclaims. I didn't comprehend before an arrow hit the tree behind me and I was blinded. "C'mon." he pulls the both of us up, guiding us some where. "Guys, go." he pushes us before landing on the ground. I rub my eyes, attempting to get my vision back. It was a little blurry, but I could still see figures, and there was two walking this way.

Allison was walking towards me.

"Allison, I can explain."

"Stop lying. For once just stop lying."

"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal. I was gonna tell you everything. Everything that I said, everything that I did-

"-Was to protect me."

"Yes." I nod.

"I don't believe you."

Kate huffs, "Thank god, now shoot them before I have to shoot myself."

"You said we were just gonna catch them." Allison looks at her aunt.

"We did that. Now we're gonna kill them." she shoots Derek. "See, not that hard. Oh no, I know that look. That's the you're-gonna-have-to-do-it-yourself look." she points the gun at me before making a risk noise. "I love those brown eyes." but she quickly moved the gun and shooting. I hear a scream beside me, making me look at Joss.

"Kate!" Allison's dad suddenly appears. "I know what you did. Put the gun down. You don't need to kill anybody else. We go by the code." he holds a gun to her just as she was about to pop the trigger. "Put the gun down, before I put you down."

There was a creaking noise behind us which made me look. The door to Derek's house was slowly opening. I made sure to get the bullet out of Joss first before we scrambled up to our feet. We all surrounded the door to see what was waiting on us, but in reality we knew what was waiting there in the pitch black.

I felt my eyes glow Amber then see Joss's were glowing Amber too.

"It's the alpha." we said in unison.

It ran out then we couldn't see it. Then it knocked over Chris followed by Allison. Joss, Kate and I were the only ones still standing. It knocked Joss over causing me to sling my claws out. Thinking I was gonna do something, I just got knocked over instead.

Joss, Derek and I ran inside after making sure we were all okay. I was fully shifted along with my two pals as we see Kate on the ground dead.

{ Aria }

"Go!" I shout at Stiles.

"He's going fast enough!" Jackson looks back at me. "Weren't you seriously just injured? Wait, are you like McCall?"

"Drive faster." I look through the rear view mirror at Stiles and Jackson. I saw my own eyes turn purple.

"I'm going I'm going!" Stiles shouts, pressing on the gas.

"Hey hey calm down."

"Did you buy it?" Stiles asks angrily.


"Then shut up." I speak with a clenched jaw.

We all pile out of the car to see the alpha choking Scott.

"Scott!" I scream with wide eyes before running that way. I ran into the alpha causing it to fall back a lot and let go of Scott but take me with it. I groan as I roll off of it before it just looks at me. "Oh damn. Stiles, now would be a good time!"

"I don't wanna hurt you!" he screams.

I roll over onto my back before I begin to crawl away from it. I get to my feet then start to run. Stiles takes the opportunity just as it grab my foot. I curl up as best as possible while wrapping my arms around my head.

Nothing happened.

I heard Scott scream but didn't hear what he said. I suddenly heard an explosion before my foot started stinging.

"Aria!" I heard Scott that time. He crawled over to me, grabbing my hands and began pulling.

"Scott." I whisper.

"Don't give up. Pull yourself away!" his face unshifted and his eyes were filled with tears.

"Jackson, don't!" I heard Joss scream then a curse word.

My foot began to sting even more as Scott placed his arms under mine then pulled and I was in his grasp. I took heavy breaths as I cuddled myself into his chest. He pulled the sweats above my ankle to see a burn mark and my shoe wasn't even there anymore. My foot was burned.

We seen the alpha fall over at the edge of the woods. Stiles came by Scott as did Joss, leaving me with them. I watch as Allison approaches him and they exchange some words before she kisses him. I just hid my face into Stiles's chest.

"I don't know, Allison. I still...Aria is my first love...I still..."

"....You still love her. It's okay."

"I feel like I'm hurting the both of you with the way I've been acting. I don't know how to choose."

"Be with the girl you love the most." she whispers.

I hear crunching leaves before it stops. My face gets turned over so I'm looking into those beautiful brown eyes. He leans down then places a long, hard, lustful kiss to my lips.

He looks up then freaks out as he looks behind Stiles.

"Wait, Derek! You said the cure was you kill the one that bit you! If you kill him, Aria, Joss and I are dead. We won't be werewolves anymore." he stands up. Stiles turns us around so I could watch what was going on.

"And you won't be able to heal." Stiles whispers so only I heard.

We see Derek lift his hand.

"Wait!" Scott, Joss and I scream.

Then he glides it across Peter's neck. He looks up then turns around, looking at us. His eyes glow a red color then it was like his voice deepened.

"I'm the alpha now."


and that my friends is the end of book 1😊

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