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{ Aria }

Scott, Joselynn and I stand by Stiles's car as we watch one of the deputies bring Derek out to the police car. Arresting him for the body all four of us found last night in his yard. I look around, watching the police investigate the dug up spot found. That's when we see no Stiles after 5 minutes so I just walk over to the sheriff's -well my dad's- car.

"Wow, Aria no." Scott mumbles but I completely ignore him. I look around quickly before sliding into the passenger seat of the car.

"Okay." I look out the windows making sure nobody was coming. That was until the front door got open causing me to jump but it only appears to be Stiles. "Jesus Christ." I look at him.

"Sorry, anyways."

"Okay, just so you know we aren't afraid of you." I look straight at Derek.

He gave both Stiles and I a look at seemed permanent on Derek Hale's face. It was like a death glare. It was quite scary and I didn't like it.

"Okay, maybe we are." We gulp at the same time.

"But that doesn't matter." I shake my head.

"What does matter..." Stiles starts.

"Is the fact Scott is a terrible person towards your sister?" Derek raises a brow at Stiles.

"What? No, that's not it. Wait, what?"

"You haven't noticed? I'm surprised she hasn't noticed."

"Scott is nice." I defend.

He chuckles, "Keep telling yourself that."

"Anyways, that girl you killed...she was a werewolf." Stiles spoke.

"She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean she could turn herself into an actual werewolf. I know me nor Scott nor Joselynn could do that."

"So, is that why you killed her?"

"Why are the both of you so worried about me when it's your boyfriend and your friends and your girlfriend and actually you who're the problems? What'd think will happen when Scott hits that field? What do you think you'll do when someone purposely hurts him on the field, Aria? What'd you think will happen, huh? What're you gonna do if he does shift on the field? Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you can. Aria, you need to stop him. You too." he leans up shifting his gaze to Stiles. "Both of you stop him. And trust me...you want too."

Suddenly the door opens and somebody grabs my shoulder then shouts.

"Stiles, get out of the damn car!" dad shouts right in my ear.

"That was my ear, dad." I look up sheepishly.

"What the hell do the both of you think you're doing?"

"Trying to help." We say in sync.

"Well, do help me understand how the both of you came across this." he crosses his arms while looking between us.

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler." I sigh out while looking over at Scott.

"Which he dropped when exactly?"

"The other night." Stiles shrugs.

"The other night when you were looking for the first half of the body?"

"Yes." We roll our eyes.

"The night that you said you were alone...Scott was at home...you -my dear- weren't feeling well...and Joselynn was at home?"

"Yes." We roll our eyes then stop realizing what we just admitted to saying. Our eyes go wide. "No, oh crap."

"So, you lied to me." he looks between us.

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