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{ Aria }

"Scott, why weren't you answering me last night?" I walk up to him Stiles slowly behind.

"I was at the animal clinic." He shrugs.

"What? Were you to busy messing with the cats?"

We look at him, "Really, Stiles?"

"What'd he do this time?" Joselynn walks over giving him a rough hard kiss.

"Making more dog jokes." I shake my head.

"Hey, you love me." He puts head back slightly.

"You're the best twin brother." I smile patting his head.

"I'm your only twin brother, Aria." He smiles. "But you're the best twin sister."

I just got to remembering something causing me to look down sadly. It was close to the end of the day which was good. Stiles wanted all of us to go to our house because he had to tell us all something.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Stiles puts my head up.

I take in a shaky breath before looking past him, "I...I just miss her, Stiles."

"Oh. I do too." He places his arms around me.

"Oh, your mom." Joselynn whispers.

"Look, I'll see you guys later. I gotta get going." Scott points with his thumb.

"Gee, Scott, just leave your hurting girlfriend." Stiles speaks.

"No, it's fine." I lean up shaking my head. "We'll see you in Econ."

He nods pecking my cheek before running off. I then knit my brows.

"Don't we have like a whole 10 minutes till free period is over?" I look at Stiles and Joselynn.

Joselynn nods slowly, "Yeah, that's interesting."

I start slowly walking the way Scott went, Stiles and Joselynn were behind me as we kept a good distant. Then I heard his voice causing all of us to stop.

"What?" Stiles looks at me.

"I can hear him."

"But he's all the way down that hallway." He points.

"Shh." I spoke harshly.

"Hey, Allison."

"Oh, hey, Scott."

"Look, I know we kissed and everything last night, but I have a girlfriend. I dunno if you know her...Aria. She Stiles's sister and-"

I stopped listening as I slowly slid down the wall with my hand over my mouth. How...could he?

"What happened?" Stiles places a hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing." I wipe my nose walking away from the both of them.

{ Joselynn }

"What did you do?" I poke Scott's shoulder. I sit behind him in Econ.

"What're you talking about?" He turns around.

"You did something...it made Aria start crying."

He looks over at Aria who surprisingly was sitting in front of Stiles. She looks over at him before looking back up at Mr. Finstock.

"What did you do, Scott?"


"McCall. Williams."

"Yes, Coach?"

"Yes sir?"

"Do I need to give you detention? Because I certainly will. Which means you sit on the bench next Saturday, McCall."

"I'm first line, sir!" Scott sits up.

"Well, then try not to get detention. Williams, no special sports, correct?"

I nod, "Yes sir. But I have this thing tonight." I try my best to lie.

"Yeah, right. I'll let the both of you off the hook."

We both nod as we both sit back in our seats. I sigh as I watch the clock slowly tick then the bell rings. I hurry to grab my stuff to talk to Scott, but he was already out. Stiles grabs my hand pulling me with him.

"Did you find out?"

"No, the freakin teacher interrupted him just as he was about to say it. Pissed me off."

"I gotta know what he did to start to make Aria cry." He places his tongue against the side of his cheek.

I nod, "You find out before she goes home upset."

"She'll probably tell dad she just missed mom." He shakes his head. "Its the excuse every time."

"She does miss her." I speak softly.

"Yeah, I- dad?" He knits his brows.

{ Scott }

"Hey, why was your dad here?" I go up to Aria.

"He was here? Gee, should've told him to take me home." She shuts her locker before walking off.

I tilt my head to the side while knitting my brows. Joselynn runs up to her so I look behind me to see Stiles.

"Stiles, hey, why was your dad here?"

"Oh, there was an attack in the parking lot."

"You mean the mountain lion came to the school?"

"You honestly think it's a mountain lion, dude? I don't believe that story for a second." He shakes his head with a sigh. "But anyways, I've got big things to tell you, Joselynn and my sister. Speaking of which...what did you do?"

"What?" I look at him.

"Her bionic hearing ears heard you."

"Really, Stiles? Bionic?"

"You guys can hear super hear. Wait, that didn't make any sense." He knits his brows. "Anyway, are you gonna tell me now or later."

"Later probably." I chew on my lip.

"Hey, Scott."

I look over, "Oh, hey, Allison. How's it going?"

"Okay, I'm just heading home. Would you like to study?"

"Awe, I'd love too, but I'm going to Stiles's." I point at him.

"Hi, Stiles."

"Hello, Allison." He gives her a half wave. "Dude, can we go now? Important things."

"Bye, Allison."

She smiles, "Bye."

He pushes me causing me to look at him weird.

"What the hell was that for?"

"It had something to do with her, didn't it?" He looks at me as we get in his jeep.

"Look, it was just a kiss."

"Just a ki- Just a kiss?! Dude, she started crying in the hallway!" He looks at me angrily as he drive to his house.

"I'm sorry, man! She kissed me!"

"So you just casually kissed back? Were you just like...oh hi, Allison. I have a girlfriend, but I'll kiss you anyways." Then he made a kiss face.

"You're making it sound so bad." I groan as we pull up at his house.

"Because it is. Hasn't your mom told you countless times not to hurt her?"

"She was joking around because your dad is the sheriff!" We were up the stairs by now.

"So! At least take some of those words truthfully!" He sits at his desk.

"Okay, both of you shut up. Stiles, tell us what it is you wanted to tell us." Joselynn sits on his bed.



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