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{ Aria }

"Okay, what're we doing?" I throw my bag on Stiles's bed then lean over his shoulder as he begins to type away at his computer.

"Hey, Stiles! Aria!"

"Yo, da...Derek." we turn around. He places his finger over his lips with a furious look then motions to the door. Stiles runs to it as I walk over to Derek with an annoyed look.

"What the hell?!" I whisper shout.

"I needed to talk to one of you."

"Yeah, first game. Great. Awesome." Stiles laughs.

Moments later he comes back in the room then Derek slams him against the door causing me to pull me back.

"No!" I look at him angrily.

"If both of you say one word-"

"Like what? Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun." Stiles shrugs while still leaning against the door.

"Yeah, that's right. You're in our house. Our house. Our rules, buddy." I push him slightly as I let go of him.

Stiles begins walking back to the chair as Derek jumps at him, "Oh my god." Stiles flinches before sitting down quickly.

"Did Scott get the necklace?"

"Nope." I sigh, crossing my arms.

"But..." Stiles trails. "There's something else we can try. The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent her a text asking her to him there."

"So..." Derek trails.

"Apparently it wasn't Scott." I plop down on Stiles's bed.

"Can you figure out who sent it?"

"No, not me." Stiles shakes his head. Derek looks at me in hope.

"Not me either." I shake my head. "But, Stiles and I have a friend."

So, we called our friend.


"You guys want me to do what?"

"Trace a text. That's it." I assure.

"I need to do lab work. That's what lab partners do. Well, Stiles is my lab partner. Isn't that why you called?"

"Yes and Stiles needs the work. But anyways we'll let you two do it as long as you trace the text first."

"What makes you think I know how?" Danny looks at Stiles.

"I...I looked up your arrest report." Stiles looks down.

"I was 13. They dropped the charges."


"No, we're doing lab work." Danny pulls a chair over. I groan as I look over at Derek who was looking agitated. I held a finger gun to my head and shot myself.

"Hey, who's he again?" Danny looks at me as he pointed to Derek.

"Uh, our cousin....Miguel." I nod as I sit on Stiles's bed.

"Is that...blood on his shirt?"

"Uh, yeah, well yes. He gets these horrible nose bleeds. Hey, Miguel." Stiles looks at him. Derek looks up slowly as he was reading a book. "I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts."

I walk over to Derek as he takes his long sleeve beige shirt off then open Stiles drawer for him.

"I'm going to kill your brother."

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