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{ Aria }

"Derek, what're you doing here?" I tilt my head.

"For starters." He rips the arrow out of my arm causing me to scream.

"Hey!" Scott shouts.

"Don't talk to a hunter like that. You'll be his next priority." I look at my arm as he talked to me. Gone. It was gone.

"What the hell?" My eyes were wide and I was breathing heavily.

"Healing. You healed. You guys are so clueless." He shakes his head before taking out Scott's then Joselynn's.

"We don't need your help." Scott stands up before walking to me.

"Actually, yes you do, Scott. Rather you'd like to believe it or not. All three of you need my help. It wouldn't matter anyway. We're a pack now. You were bitten into it."

"You bit us." Joselynn looks at him.

"You keep telling yourself that. Look all of you need help. Training."

"Training? Gee, I didn't know we were real dogs." I cross my arms.

"Jesus Christ, do you always have a smart ass sarcastic mouth?" Derek looks at me angrily.

"She's a twin. Her brother's the same way." Scott looks at him apologetically.

"No wonder. It'll be difficult dealing with you."

"Sarcasm is our only defense."

"Yeah? It'll only be his soon. You have no idea what you'll be gaining. You won't have any control. That's why you need me. We're a family now."

"You expe-"

"-Say one more smart ass thing and see what happens." He breathes out deeply.

"Yeah, you not hurting her will be what happens." Scott steps in front of me.

"Guys, lets calm down." Joselynn gets between them. "Nobody's hurting anybody, Scott. Now calm down because your eyes are glowing."

"See, you need me, Scott. I can help you keep calm. Not always wolf out when you're mad."

"Scott, maybe we sh-"

"-No, Aria, we're don't. We can find a way to do it."

"Alright, whatever you say." Derek chuckles. "Good luck, Scott."

{ Joselynn }

"You gave us this!" Scott shouts in his face.

"What? Being able to see better, hear better, be fast. Scott, all three of you have something humans would kill for. The bite is a gift."

"Yeah? Well, I don't want it." Scott's fists were clenched.

"Oh, but you will. And all three of you will need me to help control it." He walks off.

I share a glance with my two closest friends.

"Well I guess it's good it's not a school night." Aria shrugs slowly.

Scott and I slowly look at her with the most unpleased look on our faces.

"What?! I'm just stating the facts!!"

"Gah." Scott shakes his head placing his arm around her. "I don't understand how I deal with you sometimes." He kisses her cheek.

"The same way you've dealt with Stiles your whole life."

I giggle, "I wonder if he's asleep."

"Knowing Stiles...probably is." Scott smiles.

"I never realized how big your dimples were." I look at them in awe.

He laughs, "They're just dimples."

"Dimples are the best feature on a guy." Joselynn smiles as we begin walking out of the woods.

"Well, it kinda sucks we have to walk all the way home." Aria chews on her lip.

"At least we'll have each other." I throw my arm around her shoulders.

"Why do I have to be in the middle?" She whines.

"Because you're the baby." Scott chuckles.

"Um, we actually don't know if that's true. Stiles and I argue all the time. This argument has been going on some we were five. I started it by saying I was older so I could do something." She smiles looking down.

"I wanna twin." I pout.

"No, you actually don't." She shakes we head. "It's really weird having someone exactly like you."

Scott laughs, "I know you're exactly alike but there's gotta be something different."

She shakes her head, "Our dad gets scared sometimes. He's just like "how have I put up with you two" which Stiles and I just shrug every time."

"I think they only thing different is your eyes. That's it. Everything else you guys do is exactly the same. That's the scary part. Is the way you talk and act; I mean even your facial expressions. It's scary." I shiver.

{ Scott }

It was now daylight and we all three were walking down the road tired. Both of the girls shivered all throughout the night and I tried my best to keep both of the warm. Soon we hear a car approaching is from behind. We turn around kinda to see it was Stiles's jeep. He stops the car and I open the door letting myself and Aria in the back.

Joselynn had the right to be in the front honestly.

"Neither of you want the front?"

"" Aria shakes her head.

"You have the right. Being his girlfriend. Plus I'm gonna keep her warm. You take Stiles's jacket."

"But you were shirtless all night."

"Just take it...please."

She gives in taking his jacket then leans against the door. He drives off as it was rather quiet in the car.

"So, Allison..." He trails.

"What happened?" Aria sits up.

"Nothing, just she seemed pretty pissed that two friends abandoned her. Lydia left at some point before you guys were changing. And...uh...she had no ride so, did you know Derek have her a ride?"

"Derek?" Joselynn tilts her head.

"Yeah, I went to her house. She was safe."

"That's weird." I shake my head looking down. "Really weird."


It was the end of the day at school on Monday. I see Allison as I was gonna head to lacrosse practice so I made a detour.

"Hey, Allison." I walk up to her. She turns to me with a small smile. "You guys just left me abandoned in the middle of a party."

"I know, we're so sorry. Could you give us another chance to be your friend? Please? Aria was devastated."

"Did you guys get sick your something?"

"Something definitely attacked me." I look at the ground. "Aria got light headed and she was feeling a little nausea." I lied.

"Oh my god, did she ever get better?"

"Oh yeah, eventually. Uh, so you give us another chance?"

"Is that the only explanation?"

"Can you just trust us? Please?"

She sighs, "Yeah, of course." She looks up and smiles. "My dad's here. I gotta go, Scott."

I look over then flashback to last night. Seeing the guy that shot all three of us last night. He...he was...Allison's dad.

I knit my brows slightly as he gave a nod with a smile. I gave a nod back hopping he didn't recognize me. I mean he couldn't right? It was pitch black last night. I just lick my lips before heading to practice.



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