Chapter 38

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"The backyard of the house transformed into a canvas of vibrant hues for the Haldi ceremony – a tapestry of marigold and turmeric, radiating joy and warmth. Every corner is adorned with the essence of celebration, a picturesque setting for the unfolding traditions and the beginning of a new chapter.

The haldi ceremony, a significant wedding ritual, commenced, and its importance echoed through the air. It symbolized auspiciousness, a promise of a radiant glow on the faces of the bride and groom, and the cleansing of mind, body, and soul. It is not merely the application of turmeric paste; rather, it is a sacred act that signifies blessings for the bride and groom. As Arjun and Siya took their seats on decorated stools, the anticipation of the ritual filled the room.

 As Arjun and Siya took their seats on decorated stools, the anticipation of the ritual filled the room

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Every corner echoes the joy of this auspicious haldi occasion. 💛✨ #ArjunSiyaHaldi #CelebrationOfLove #VibrantTraditions" #malhortawedding

The ladies of the family, clad in vibrant yellow attire, gathered around to prepare the haldi paste, a mixture laden with symbolic significance. The first application was entrusted to Janaki, Arjun's grandmother, who delicately applied the haldi paste to Arjun, following the age-old tradition.

As the ceremony unfolded, Siya's turn arrived, and the haldi paste was applied by Janaki, symbolizing the beginning of a blessed journey for the couple. Annapurna, Siya's grandmother, stepped forward next, applying the haldi to both Arjun and Siya, invoking blessings for their marital bliss.

The atmosphere became emotionally charged when Siya's parents took turns applying the haldi paste. They were overwhelmed with emotions, couldn't hold back their tears. The sight tugged at the heartstrings of everyone present, creating a poignant moment filled with love and familial bonds.

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