Chapter 61

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As dawn painted the sky with hues of soft pink and golden rays, Arjun found himself awakened by the lingering echoes of the intense, passionate night he and Siya had shared. The room, still bathed in the gentle afterglow of their love held an atmosphere charged with intimacy.

Gently rising from the embrace of slumber, Arjun's eyes fell upon his wife, who lay peacefully beside hugging him. The morning light kissed her features, accentuating the delicate lines of her face and casting a warm glow upon the tousled strands of her hair. In that tender moment, a cascade of emotions flooded Arjun's heart as he gazed at the epitome of his affections.

Overflowing with love, he began to admire every detail – the way her lashes delicately rested against her cheeks, the subtle rise and fall of her chest with each tranquil breath, and the blissful smile that adorned her lips. Arjun, filled with a profound sense of gratitude and connection, couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that unfolded before him.

As he traced the contours of Siya's face with his fingertips, he marveled at the serenity that accompanied the morning after their shared passion. The room seemed to resonate with the echoes of their love and in those quiet moments, Arjun found himself lost in a cascade of tender emotions, thankful for the depth of the bond they had created.

As Arjun attempted to rise, he discovered Siya snugly wrapped in his embrace, her awakening synchronized with his own. Siya, slowly rousing from her slumber, found Arjun's eyes fixed upon her. With a groggy yet affectionate voice, she greeted him, "Good morning, husband."

A gentle smile played on Arjun's lips as he leaned in to tenderly kiss his wife. Siya, responding with a contented moan, hugged him, drawing closer in the warmth of the morning. Arjun, amused by her endearing antics, teased, "Jaan, how I wish we could stay in this room, in this bed, all day. However, reality beckons and you have a presentation to give.

Siya, looked at Arjun with a pout. Arjun playfully winked at her and said but i have a suggestion "Why don't we spice up our morning routine with a quick shower together? It will save time and add a dash of romance to our morning." 

Exiting the shower, Siya checking the time exclaimed, "Arjun, you've made me late! Look at the time!" Arjun, grinning reassured her, "Jaan, you're the boss. No one dares to question you. You run the show; they'll wait for you."

Siya said it doesn't work like that arjun, "I don't like to be late. I'm very punctual about time and I don't appreciate it when someone arrives late."

As she headed to the walk-in closet, Arjun followed suggesting "Let me handle your outfit today." With a warm smile, he selected a stunning navy blue business suit and T-shirt.

Siya, adorning only her black beads nuptial chain with diamond pendent which is visible on her shirt, when she began to tie her hair suddenly recalling Arjun's earlier words, she decided to leave her hair flowing freely. The curls at the tips added a touch of elegance as she embraced the natural beauty suggested by her husband.

Both Arjun and Siya adorned themselves in crisp three-piece suits. Their outfits complemented each other seamlessly, creating a striking visual harmony. Arjun, appreciating his choice of outfit on siya, looked at her and affectionately asked, "Are you ready, my jaan?" Siya, brimming with excitement, nodded her head in agreement.

Descending the stairs together the couple became the recipients of cheers and whistles from their family members.

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