Chapter 1

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It's all Tae's fault.

At least this is what Jimin keeps telling himself as he packs his suitcase to head to Los Angeles for an undetermined amount of time. He shoves a fourth pair of vans into his bag, trying and failing to get the suitcase zipper shut as Tae continues to argue for the millionth time that Jimin could have said no, that he didn't have to agree to this. But Jimin shakes his head. He can't back out, not now. It's basically a challenge at this point, one he doesn't intend to back down from.

He still hates Tae for it, though.

" You can easily get yourself sent home the first night," Tae offers.

" Just make an ass of yourself. I'm sure that wouldn't be difficult, you do it all the time."

Jimin curses as the zipper gets caught on something inside the suitcase.

" Why would I fly across the country only to make myself look like a dick on national television and then have to fly home immediately after. And thanks for the compliment. You're a peach."

" I'm just saying, if it totally sucks you can make up some sob story about how you can't be there and it's too hard and need to come back home. Worst case scenario. People do it all the time."

" Yeah. People. I'm not people."

Tae tills his eyes. " Oh right, your highness."

Jimin flips him off. " You got me into this mess. You should be kissing my ass right about now."

" I was trying to do you a favour!"

" On what planet is signing me up for The Bachelor a fucking favour?!"

Tae sighs. " I told you I was sorry about a thousand times. I just figured you'd have fun with it."

" Yeah well, now I have too, don't I?"

He pats Jimin on the head. " That's the spirit. Now, hurry up with your bags, princess. You have a pumpkin to catch and your Prince Charming awaits."

Jimin slaps him.

Nine months earlier, Jimin had been sitting on his couch, a drink in his hand, excitedly awaiting the season premiere of The Bachelor to begin. It was a guilty pleasure, one he was embarrassed to dabble in, but after watching it for six consecutive seasons, he'd accepted the fact that his Monday nights would forever consist of yelling at the TV screen for America's apparent top bachelor to pick the man he deemed most perfect of the bunch.

He settled in amongst the couch cushions, tapping his fingers against the cooled glass of his bottle of beer, and mentally rated each man who stepped out of the limo to meet their  potential husband, Benjamin.

" No, fuck this guy, he's a former model. Former. As in unemployed and getting uglier. Six out of ten. Next."

He took a sip out of his drink and put his other hand on his calico, Ddosun, and listened to him purr. " Ben, stop. Don't flirt with Mr Roids...Seriously? He' four."

This continued for a while, Jimin watching intently as each contestant was interviewed and flexed their muscles as they stared of into some distant field or skyline, as if it was a normal day-to-day occurrence for them. He was in the middle of scoffing at some lawyer from Detroit when Tae called him.

" Tae, you know this is my bachelor time. I can't talk now." Jimin scolded when he picked up the phone.

" I know, Jesus, sorry. I'll be quick. I had a question about that meeting we had tomorrow."

" Hurry up, the last limo just pulled up to the mansion."

" For the love of god, this show is the cheesiest junk in the world, and you're not even that stupid. How can you fall for it?"

" Who said I fall for it? It's a crock of shit. I know. But why would I ever pass up on the opportunity to judge and mercilessly mock a bunch of semi-attractive men for two hours, oh my god, pause."

Tae sighed. " I really have zero interest in discussing this show with you. I just wanted to know if Lisa was going to me at the meeting."

" I'm not even going to pretend that I just listened to you because Tae. The most attractive human I've ever seen just stepped out of the limo." Jimin actually leaned forward to get closer to the TV screen. " I think I love him. I want to lick his face."

" You are aware you're not a Great Dane, right?"

The man's name and occupation flashed at the bottom of the screen and Jimin nearly blacked out. " Shut up, shut the fuck up, he's a fucking paediatric dentist. I'm going to die. Seriously. You'll find my body at the bottom of the river. Tae! He's a doctor for kids!"

" Yeah, I know what a paediatric dentist is. Okay, you're useless, I'm calling Hoseok instead."

" Whatever." He hung up, not waiting for another word from Tae, and stared at the screen, unblinking. He swallowed heavily as Jungkook's interview played.

" Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook, I'm 26, I'm from San Fransisco, California. I'm a dentist and I absolutely love what I do. Kids are honestly so funny, and most are so inspiring. I don't think I would love working as a regular dentist as much as I live working with children." The camera panned in on a shot of Jungkook looking at an X-ray at his office, then he high-fived the boy standing next to him and handed him a toothbrush.

Jimin's mouth practically watered.

" I have one sister and even though my family is small, we're very close." Jungkook and whom Jimin presumed to be his sister and parents sit round a dinner table, clinking wine glasses together, and laughed wholeheartedly at a staged joke the audience didn't get to hear.

" I'm a big believer in family time, so it's important for me to find someone who appreciates that." Jungkook then walked down a trail, which led to the Golden Gate Bridge. He stared wistfully into the distance.

Jimin couldn't think of one thing to make fun of, for the first time ever.

" I want someone who won't hate my stupid sense of humour too much, likes to experience and try new things, and is always up for an adventure. I don't like to sit around for too long , and I'm looking for the man who will run with me. I think that man could be Ben."

And The Games Begin Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon