Chapter 29

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Jimin smiles into Jungkook's chest.

" Thanks for a fun date, love."

Jungkook kisses the top of his head.

" Of course....But. I told you. We're not done. You ready to get up?"

" Can't believe this was just a pit stop."

" You're gonna love what's next. I promise."

" Okay, wow me."

Jungkook stands up and grabs Jimin's hands, pulling him up to his feet.

" That's my goal."

They walk side by side down the hallway together, weaving in and out of aisles of fish and informational posters, Jungkook halting to a stop just before they turn the corner.

" What's the hold up, Jeon?"

" I have to cover your eyes with my hands."

Jimin sighs. " If you must "

" I must." He stands behind Jimin and wraps his arms around him, hands shielding his eyes, and everything goes dark. " Can you see?"

" No, my x-ray vision must be in the fritz today, damnit."

" I hate you, now walk."

Jimin obeys, walking forwards slowly, letting Jungkook manoeuvre him.

" Are we there yet?"

" No."

" How about now?"

" Jimin."

" Now?"

Jungkook huffs out a laugh. " You're so much work. Okay." He drops his hands. " Open."

Jimin blinks, forcing his eyes to readjust in the dim lighting from the fish tanks, and before him, is a long table filled with food and drinks and flowers alike.

But that isn't what he's staring at.

He just....immediately starts crying, can't even control it. He grips Jungkook's hands, steadying himself, and chokes out, " What are you doing here?"

His mum and his oldest sisters are all sitting behind the table, tears in their own eyes, and it's his mum that gets up first. He nearly runs to her, practically knocking her over once he's in her arms, and she hold on to him, patting his back.

" Are you happy we're here?" she asks.

He nods, unable to say anything else, and hugs her tighter. He feels Ji-hye and Soo-ji's arms wrap around him, too, and it makes his tear up all over again.

He eventually forces himself to step back and pull himself together, wiping at his eyes and sniffling. " Jesus, I'm embarrassed," he murmurs, making his mum and sisters laugh. " Thanks for making me feel like a total shit on the phone this morning, by the way."

His mum scoffs. " Well, what was I supposed to do? Ruin the entire surprise?"

" Was it your idea?"

She shakes her head and points to Jungkook over his shoulder. " I got a call from that guy about two months ago."

Jimin swallows and turns, facing Jungkook. " You?"

Jungkook smiles. " Me."

He looks down at his feet and then back up again, collecting his thoughts.

" Explain, please."

" Remember during our first date when I said I wanted to call your mum?"

" Yes."

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