Chapter 4

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Jimin tried to ignore the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. It's a TV show. None of this is real. None of it is even live. Relax. " Great, thanks."

He makes his way back to the front of the building and is directed out of the door, instructed to head to limo number three. There are four other men in line with him; two he would never glance twice at, one that reminds him a lot like Tae (meaning there is zero attraction at all), and the fourth is his type exactly. Tall, soft smile, black hair. Actually, he looks a lot like Jungkook.

One of the producers is also in the limo with them, and once they're seated inside and pulling out of the lot, she begins to give them more instructions. Jimin is already having trouble focusing, fidgeting with the buttons on his jacket, and they've barely even started yet.

" I'm Jackie, nice to meet you all, let's go over this quickly. First out of the limo will be Namjoon, followed by Jin. You're both all set with your entrances, right?"

The Tae lookalike and ugly #1 both nod.

" Excellent." Jackie says. Jay you'll go after Namjoon, and you can read your poem."

" It's in my pocket." Jay says patting his left breast pocket. Jimin resists the urge to snort.

" Evan, you'll go fourth followed by Jimin."

Evan, Jungkook's prototype, smiles.

" Sounds great. Do you have the flowers?"

" Yes, they're up front,"

Jimin clasps his hands together. " So, like am I just gonna wing it? No tricks for me?" he asks her.

Jackie nods. " You don't need any gimmicks to make you stand out to the viewers, not with that accent."

He blushed and mashes his lips together. " Thanks." He watches as Namjoon whispers something to Jin, and based on the way they're both staring at Jimin, he knows whatever he said wasn't a compliment. He's about to call them out on it....let the drama start before the show even does...when the limo stops moving.

Jimin turns away from the men in the car and looks out the window, and if he actually feels short of breath, he will never admit it.

Jungkook is standing at the start of the walkway, his hands clasped in front of him, eyes shining. His suit is fitted impeccably, accentuating every inch of his body, and Jimin cannot believe he looks even better in real life than he does on his hi-def TV at home. His hair is shinier, his smile is brighter, and Jimin knows that if this was a real life situation and they met at a bar downtown Chicago, Jimin would be flirting mercilessly to try and get a drink or two out of Jungkook.

He swallows audibly. Its just a TV show.

" Namjoon, out you go." Jackie demands, gesturing towards the door. He steps out, and Jimin nearly pushes his nose up against the door window to watch their interaction, fogging up the glass with his breath.

Namjoon stands before Jungkook and gets on one knee, reaching for Jungkook's hand. Jungkook throws his head back and laughs, and Jimin can't stand how fake this whole setup is. Thank god for his accent, a saving grace, because otherwise he might be the asshole out there right now, fake proposing.

After that disaster is which Jungkook smiled the whole time, what a good sport....Jin exits the limo and dances his way over to Jungkook. It's horribly cheesy, but at least it's not as uncomfortable as the cringeworthy proposal everyone just had to witness.

Jay goes next, reading a short poem that Jimin can't hear, and Evan grabs his bouquet of and white roses....when it's his turn. Jimin anxiously tries to come up with something witty to say while he watches Jay and Jungkook engage, angry at himself for not practicing this earlier; it's a made up reality TV show, but it's going to air on national television, Fuck. He has to at least play the part so he doesn't completely humiliate himself. Christ, his entire family is going to watch this.

Why didn't the producers give him any material!?! There's only so far an accent can take you.

He's trying to sort out his breathing, thinking of slow and painful ways to murder Tae for when he goes back home, and he nearly jumps when Jackie puts her hand on Jimin's shoulder.

" You alright?"

He nods. " I'm good. Just a bit overwhelmed."

" It happens. You have about five minutes to relax and then it'll be your turn to head out. Some of the crew just has to spray down the driveway first."

Jimin peers out the window. " Why?"

" When the water hits the lights, it sparkles and looks more magical."

" Jesus, that's a new level of pretentious douchery if I've ever heard it."

She laughs. " Hey, I don't call the shots, here. I just yell at you guys to get your asses out of the limo and look pretty."

" I'll try my best."

The driveway gets a thorough hose down and Jimin taps his fingers nervously on his thigh, wishing he was already inside the mansion, not being forced to sit and wait and get sweatier with every passing second. And after what feels like a small eternity, Jackie says, " Alright, they're done. You can head out now."

Jimin takes a deep breath and exhales loudly. He still doesn't have anything clever to say, doesn't know where he's supposed to look when he gets out of the limo, doesn't know whether he should hug Jungkook or shake his hand; doesn't know if he should play it coy or tell him he's here because of Jungkook himself.

Well. He's here because of Tae, but that's neither here nor there.

He roles his shoulders and shakes out his hands, stepping out of the limo cautiously, wracking his brain for something to say, anything to say. He brushes his hair out of his eyes, hoping his nerves aren't written all across his face, and has to actively remind himself not to stick his hands in his pockets, a habit he's acquired for when he's uncomfortable. But then he looks up, and there stands Jungkook, staring at him intently, crooked smile on his face, dimple out.

" Wow." he mouths to Jimin, briefly squeezing his eyes shut, bouncing on his feet.

Jimin's legs feel like rubber as he tries to make his way over to Jungkook, he knows his cheeks are red and he desperately tries to think of anything other than the fact that his first interaction with Jeon Jungkook is currently being recorded to air on national TV, but he's fairly unsuccessful.

He clears his throat once he's standing directly in front of Jungkook. He looks up and Jungkook's gaze is so steady, Jimin is almost positive that Jungkook can read his thoughts. " I'm Jimin, and I'm afraid I don't have any gimmicks for you."

Jungkook looks down at the ground and laughs. " Oh, and he has an accent Cut me some slack. You definitely don't need a gimmick, Jimin. You are...Wow."

Jimin smirks. " Yes, I am wow. That's my profession, actually."

" Professional wower?"

" Indeed."

There both grinning like idiots and it's so fucking stupid, teetering on unbearable, almost, but Jungkook can't seem to rip his eyes away from Jimin's face and Jimin doesn't really want him to, anyway.

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