Chapter 49

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The week before the finale, Jimin is packing to head to LA for the final rose ceremony, gearing up to the interview and see everyone from the show for the first time since Fiji. He's shoving random toiletries into his suitcase, this week's episode playing in the background, desperately trying to ignore Cam and Jungkook kissing on the screen, and he looks up when he realises, he's about to meet Jungkook's family for the first time.

It's surreal and makes his throat constrict a little bit to watch Jungkook looking at him the way he was, even amidst all of their tension and awkwardness, and he smiles when Suri starts threatening him on the beach.

And when they walk back into the room, the camera Zoom in on Jungkook and his mum, subtitles popping up because of how quietly they are talking. Jimin strains to listen, reading along with the words scrolling by on the screen.

Jungkook's mum pulls him in for a hug and whispers into his ear, " I think I love him, " and Jungkook whispers back " I think I do, too."

Jimin wipes his tears, throwing more useless items into his suitcase, including a shower cap and the wrench he sees lying on the end table, and  mumbles, " Fucking Jungkook. Telling his mum he loved me before I even knew. Goddamnit."

Jimin stands up in his tip toes, readjusting his tie. " Okay, so what exactly do we have to do when we go out on stage again?"

Jungkook sighs, batting Jimin's hand away. " I told you. I have to go out on stage first. I sit down and talk to Chris Harrison and Cam, and whomever else is in the audience who has a question. Then they call you out and you sit with me on the couch and we answer questions for, like, four minutes max. Jimin, you've seen this thing a hundred times. It's not any different in real life as it is on TV. And stop touching my tie. It was fine."

" Now it is." He bounces on the balls of his feet, clicking his tongue. " I think I'm nervous."

" Gee, I couldn't have guessed."

" Fucking help me instead of being a royal dick about it, Jesus Christ."

He smiles. " Baby. You're the strongest, most intelligent, wittiest, caring person I know. You can take anything that gets thrown your way."

" Kiss ass."

He shakes his head, still smiling. " But you don't have anything to worry about; anyway. It's just a basic interview, mostly stuff about what we've been doing since the proposal. And if anyone tries to be rude to you, they'll have to go through me first."

" Oi, the drama. Thanks Jeon, but I can hold my own. I'm stronger than you anyway."

" Should we put that theory to the test?"

" Are you suggesting we wrestle right, here?"

" I am now."

Dale comes up behind them, pulling off his headphones. " I can't believe I have to babysit you two, honestly, Jungkook, we need you on stage in two minutes. Jimin, you stay back here, and we'll signal when we're ready. And don't fucking wrestle, for the love of God, you're grown, engaged men."

Jungkook looks Jimin up and down.

" You're a grown man?"

Jimin kicks him in the knees and he goes down to the ground immediately.

Waiting backstage with Jungkook is nerve wracking enough; waiting alone is near impossible. Jimin is pretty sure he's sweating all the way through his suit, and he wonders if someone happens to have a straight jacket handy for him to wear, or a panic room for him to sit in.

He's concentrating on his breathing when Lydia approaches him. " Hi, Min!" She goes in for a hug and pauses. " Why are you green?"

" I honestly think I'm going to be sick."

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