Chapter 2

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Jimin stared, unmoving, as Jungkook and Ben met for the first time outside the mansions front entrance, and when Jungkook smiled, his dimples popped out, and Jimin almost screamed. " Ben, you fucking son of a bitch, this one's a ten. He's amazing. Don't fuck this up." Jungkook leaned in for a hug, embracing Ben, and then walked inside the house disappearing from the cameras.

The next man, some guy named Leon, climbed out of the limo, bouquet of flowers in his hand. " Boo, you're trying too fucking hard. Bring back the curly one."

The episode continued and the cocktail party began. Ben went from room to room, introducing himself to each man. Asking them all very basic questions about themselves, and Jimin wanted to yank his hair out every time he couldn't see Jungkook looming in the background.

He was the only interesting one, the only one who captivated Jimin's attention, and Ben clearly felt the same way. He gave Jungkook the first impression rose, securing his safety for the upcoming elimination round, and when Jungkook broke out into a deep rooted smile while attaching the rose to his lapel, Jimin all but slid of the couch, clutching his chest.

Apparently, Jimin wasn't the only one who fell in love with the dentist from San Fran. He quickly became the fan favourite, his name trending on all forms of social media every Monday night, and with each passing week his popularity only grew.

He went on a romantic helicopter ride with Ben on week two, sharing secrets about his past relationships and his ultimate goals for the future, and when Ben kissed him in front of the fire, Jimin whined, forcing himself not to clap.

Week three brought a group date, in which Jungkook rode an electric bull and it made Ben laugh so hard, soda came out of his nose. During week four, they went dog sledding, and week five included a steamy makeout session in the hot tub overlooking some of Montana's mountains.

By week six, Jimin was looking up

" Team Jungkook" t-shirts on his computer at work, and Tae nearly chocked on his coffee when he saw it.

" I don't even have words for this anymore. You're, like, extremely creepy."

" I am not." He just completely deserves to win. Heart of gold, this one. You can tell."

" Jimin, it's a TV show. I'm sure that almost the entire thing is scripted."

" Even so, Jeon Jungkook should win. He's a fucking catch. What kind of idiot would let him go?"

Five weeks later, Ben was that kind of idiot, apparently.

On the seasons finale, Ben chose Tristan, making Jungkook the runner up, and Jimin swore he could feel his heart actually shattering when Jungkook broke down in tears.

He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, his voice unsteady, the palm trees in their tropical location swaying in the background. " I really thought I was enough, you know?" he cried to the camera. " I thought we were it for each other. I guess he was just it for me. I feel so blind."

Jimin punched his pillows. " You are enough! Oh my God! America loves you! I love you!"

" The Final Rose" interview aires directly after, in which host Chris Harrison talked to the contestants, saving Jungkook for last. " It's been about eight weeks since that emotional day in Thailand."

Jungkook nodded. " Eight weeks."

" How has it been, Getting over Ben?"

" Honestly, watching the show back helped immensely. I thought the entire time that what I had with Ben was so strong and so special, and it definitely was, to some extent. I loved him. But. Being able to see how much close to Tristan he was, I understand that we wouldn't have been the right match. Ben made the best decision for everyone. There are no hard feelings and I wish him the best with Tristan."

The audience applauded and Chris smiled. " I'm sure he'd love to hear that. Should we bring Ben out?"

The crowd went wild again as Ben stepped out onto the studio's floor, and he immediately went in for a hug. " Jungkook, you are so wonderful, such an incredible person. I just had a gut feeling that we weren't meant to be."

Jungkook forced a smile. " I understand."

" Whoever you end up with is going to be the luckiest. I really and truly believe that."

" Thank you, Ben. That means a lot."

Everyone in the studio clapped and whistled; Jimin rolled his eyes. " At least brings sincere, you blind prick. Tristan sucks. I can't believe you let this guy walk away."

The camera panned to Chris's face.

" Jungkook, I agree with Ben. Someone out there would kill to be with you."

" Oh, God, I hope not."

The audience laughed again and Chris smiled once more. " Hopefully the men we pick out for you next season won't actually commit crime to be with you."

A girl who was blatantly planted in the audience stood up and cheered.

" Does that mean Jungkook is the new Bachelor?"

Chris gestured at Jungkook. " Care to share the news?"

Jungkook smirked and shrugged.

" I'm the new bachelor, and I'm very, very excited."

The audience went ballistic, and Jimin immediately called Tae before he started to tear up. " Tae."

" What do you want, it's almost midnight."

" Jungkook is the new bachelor."

" Oh, really?"

" Wait, why do you actually sound interested?"

" What, you jealous I'm gonna steal your man?"

" Shut up. Just. Be happy for me, for us, for the world, that we get to watch the love of my life half naked on TV for the next fifteen weeks."

" Love of your life? Christ, you're crazy."

He may be crazy, but he isn't as crazy as Kim Taehyung, who tricked him into flying to LA for what he said was work related, when it was really, in fact, an audition to become a contestant on the bachelor. He made it through all three rounds, and when he found out he was chosen, he drove straight to Tae's house and punched him in the stomach....hard.

" That is for lying to me and forcing me to waste three vacation day's to audition and for probably causing me to lose my job because how can I go away for four months to frolic on national television?!"

Tae held onto his stomach. " You suck."

Jimin threw his head back and laughed. " That's fucking rich."

" Okay, look, we'll talk to Lisa tomorrow and if she says she can't  replace you, you can back out of the show. But if she gives you the thumbs up, you should just do it. It's Jungkook."

" Tae. He's a fucking television personality. He's hot and sweet and works with kids. That's all I know about him. I'm not uprooting my life to go meet some actor and pretend to fall in love. No one actually forms a real relationship. This entire thing is a sham. I am so fucking pissed that you kidnapped me and brought me there."

" You didn't have to audition! And why are you so sour about this show, now?! You live for it!"

" Can you hear yourself?! I couldn't just run out of the room once I realised where I was. I'm 28. I'm an adult. I had to act like one." He clenched his fists. " And I love watching it, not being on it. For fucks sake."

Tae frowned. " I'm sorry, I am, alright? Let's talk to Lisa tomorrow and we'll see what she has to say."

Somehow, Lisa was even stupider than the creator of the show itself, because she clapped hers hands together and told Jimin he had to go.

" Your job will be safe. You're too valuable to lose. We'll all be cheering for you!"

And after another two more brutal fist fights with Tae, that's how Park Jimin ended up on a plane to Los Angeles with his bags packed to meet Jeon Jungkook, the bachelor.

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