Chapter 23

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The night after the second group date of the rose ceremony, and Jimin had so much pent up tension, he doesn't know what to do with it all. He spends a comical amount of time getting ready, styling his hair three different ways before he settles on the style he had originally, down and swept out of his eyes, and he holds up nine - nine different ties for Cam to choose between, to which his response is,

" You're out of your fucking mind, Park."

He's sitting in the common room, tapping his feet on the ground, his fingers against his thighs, and eventually, in between takes, Lydia approaches him.

" Are you okay?"

" Do I not seem okay?"

" You're....a little antsy."

His laugh is borderline hysterical.

" Me? Antsy?"

" Min, did something happen?" She asks.

His tapping quickens. " No. Just. This is more than I thought it would be, yeah?"

She nods. " I know."

" Do you, though? Like, I can't even focus. All rationality is out of the window at this point."

" It happens, believe me. Just get to the rose ceremony, have a drink, relax then come back to the hotel and sleep for the next 15 hours. It's just another rose ceremony, Jimin. You've done this before."

He mashes his lips together. " Yeah, you're right. It's just another rose ceremony."

Except, it's not. And that's very clear the second Jungkook walks through the door, suit tailored impeccably with the smile to match.

It's like a flip has been switched on this past week. After their first date, he'd been hooked, yes, but it's the mountain group date that really did him in. It's the fact that Jungkook made it extremely obvious that he wants him back, and that's enough to have him spiralling.

It's not all in his head. It isn't. That should be something that settles his nerves, rather than make him feel like his heart is about to beat out of his chest.

He sits very still in his spot on the couch, as patiently as ever, while Jungkook makes his rounds around the room, pulling Jonathan first, and Jimin either needs a drink or two to do a 5k around the block.

He can't make himself get up to steal Jungkook away from the other guys like he's done in prior rose ceremonies, or like it's been done to him. Instead, he's practically glued to the couch cushion in particular, glass of vodka nearly fused to his right hand, gaze stuck on the back door, frozen.

Jungkook spends time with each guy, some out by the hotels pool, some in the bonus room, some on the patio, and by the time he makes eyes with Jimin at the very end of the night, Jimin thinks if he concentrates hard enough, he could actually combust on the spot.

" Min? come with me!"

Jimin forces his body to move, his legs to lift his weight, and he heads out the door with Jungkook, hands reaching out for one another the second they're out of view of the other men.

Jungkook doesn't lead them all the way outside; rather they go into the room they've been using as a make shift interview room. It backs with the main living room, and Jimin can hear every conversation going on beyond the wall.

" Did you want to come in here to eavesdrop?"

Jungkook smiles. " No, just wanted to go somewhere that people wouldn't look for us."

Jimin swallows, pointing over Jungkook's shoulder. " Did you conveniently forget about our crew?"

He takes a step closer, eyes flickering back and forth between Jimin's eyes and lips, unashamed. " They're not going to tell on us." The way he says it makes Jimin shiver.

And The Games Begin Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang