Chapter 32

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When they pull apart, Jungkook's breathing is a little uneven and Jimin thinks his sounds about the same. He drags his finger along Jimin's collarbone. " I wanted to do that all day. It was driving me crazy."

Jimin hums in agreement. " What was stopping you?"

" Didn't wanna smudge my paint."

He smiles. " Good point."

" And, also, no cameras now."

Jimin looks around and realises he's right. He's grown so accustomed to them that it barely registers when they're there and when they're not.

" Cameras haven't really stopped you before, Jeon."

" I know." He agrees. " I Just....wanted a minute alone with you. To kiss you and touch you without everyone else getting to see it. I don't always want to share you."

How fucking ironic. " Kiss me again."

" Okay." He says easily. This time, he pushes Jimin up against the wall, deepening the kiss, and Jimin whimpers when he feels Jungkook starting to get hard against him.

" Christ." he spits out, breaking the kiss as quickly as it started, burying his head into Jungkook's chest. " It's so annoying that people would notice if we went missing for an hour or two."

Jungkook nods, hands reaching down to palm at Jimin's ass through his jeans a bit helplessly, and Jimin whimpers again. " I have never been this sexually frustrated in my life." Jungkook says through gritted teeth.

" I'm gonna need a minute."

Jimin snorts. " You're telling me."

He kisses Jimin's jaw once, twice, three times, then steps back. " Okay." He clears his throat. " We should get back outside Hoseok was getting me a drink."

" Fuck Hobi." He pauses. " No, wait, don't do that."

He laughs. " I won't. But I really should make the rounds with everyone else, right? If there important to you, they're important to me."

Jimin briefly closed his eyes. " They're the most important."

" Okay, then that's how I feel about them too." He heads out of the hallway and back into the living room without another word or single glance backward, and Jimin has to count to twenty, three times over before he's sure he's not going to scream or put his head through a wall.

Everyone loves Jungkook, which comes as a surprise to no-one. The women think he's sweet, the men think he's a riot, and the kids are over the moon about a new addition to the bunch that actually wants to play tag and wiffle ball for hours on end.

Jungkook is in the middle of tossing an endless string of kids down the bouncy slide when Tae pulls Jimin away from the rest of the crowd.

" So, I'd like an apology."

Jimin crosses his arms. " For..."

" For making me feel like the biggest jackass on the planet for signing you up for this and now you're essentially married."

He snorts. " Okay, let's not get carried away, here."

" I'm not, look at him." They both turn and Jimin's lips immediately quirk up into a smile as he watches Jungkook pile Jackson and Mia onto his lap, all three bouncing down the slide together. " Everyone is obsessed with him. You included."

Jimin turns back to Tae. " Yeah, that's exactly the point. Everyone is obsessed with him. He has three more dates to go on this week, with three other guys. This isn't a sure thing, Tae."

Tae nods. " Are you freaking out, at all?"

" Outwardly, no. Internally, it's a raging panic fest."

He smiles. " Do you love him?"

Jimin looks down at his hands, ripping of a broken nail of his thumb.

" Don't you think it's too early?"

" Not necessarily. When did you tell Nate you loved him?"

He shrugs. " I dunno. A couple of months, probably."

" So, same time frame for you and Jungkook, right?"

" It's not the same though, Tae. Nathan and I were inseparable. We basically lived inside each other. I've only had a handful of dates with Jungkook."

" Yeah, a handful of intense dates that Nate could never of competed with. Are you saying that you and Jungkook wouldn't be inseparable if you didn't have the opportunity?" When Jimin doesn't answer, Tae continues. " I don't know Min. Just sounds like you're making up excuses to me."

" Tae, this is the weirdest situation I've ever been in. I have nothing to compare it to, no-one to ask for advice, so excuse me for being a little hesitant. I'm terrified."

He nods, mashing his lips together. " I don't think you need to be terrified."

" How could I not be?!"

Tae turns to look at Jungkook again, who now has birthday cake smeared across his face, and all of the kids are laughing hysterically, some with tears in their eyes. " Because based on the way he's spent the whole night playing with a bunch strangers kids, cause he knows what they mean to you, I'm gonna have to go with he loves you too."

Jimin can't turn away from Jungkook.

" I want to believe that."

" Have you seen the way he looks at you? It's disgusting. There's no way that guy isn't head over heals for you."

" But what if he's looking at the other guys the same way?"

" Jimin." Tae grabs Jimin's shoulders, forcing him to meet his gaze. " If you really thought that you two weren't on the same page, would you still be here right now?"

He squirms to get out of Tae's grip, but he's strong. " Probably not, no."

" Trust your gut, okay? I've known the real life Jeon Jungkook for about five hours now, and I can say with confidence that there is no-one better suited for you than he is. Really."

He closes his eyes for a moment and exhales. " Okay."

Tae drops his hands. " Have you told him?"

" Told him what?"

" That you love him? Or that you're coming out of your skin you're so scared?"

He shakes his head. " Neither."

" Don't you think maybe you should?"

Jimin sighs and rolls his eyes. " Yes mum, I'll talk to my boyfriend about my feelings."

" Thank you, dear," he replies in a terrible British accent. " Now, go on with it."

" Right now?!"

" Yes. Go. Before I do it for you and you look like a total dick for making your best friend tell your boyfriend that you like him, like we're in sixth grade or some shit!"

" Ugh, Fine. But I need a drink first."

" Deal."

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