Chapter 30

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Jonathan gets sent home at the end of their mini Europe trip excursion, and the hotel room is nearly empty with just the four of them left. Now that it is just Jimin, Casey, Cam and Bryce, it hits Jimin just how real this thing is becoming, and that Jungkook could possibly have connections with these other men. And how could he not? They've spent the passed two and a half months together, nonstop. Forming bonds is inevitable.

Thinking about that makes Jimin have to put his head between his legs.

Oh, God, the nausea.

They pack up to leave Europe, heading back to the States, and this time, they're all flying separately. It's hometown date time; everyone is going home to see their families and Jungkook will spend a day with each of them. The logistics of it are ridiculous, Jimin thinks. Jungkook will have to fly to Chicago to see him, then to Seattle for Casey, Austin for Bryce, and Hartford for Cameron. All within the span of five days.

Who the hell planned that, thinking it would be a good idea?

The flight from Heathrow to Midway goes by quicker than Jimin anticipated, considering he's nearly bouncing out of his seat, excited to get into his flat and be amongst his things, his TV, his bed, his cat who is hopefully still alive, courtesy of Uncle Tae.

The Chicago air smells incredible - something he's never noticed before, and potentially just made up in his own head right now because of how much he missed it. And the four flights up to his flat doesn't suck as much as it usually does, even with his ridiculously heavy luggage trailing behind him.

He kicks open his door and drops his bags immediately, Finn already at his feet, meowing and rubbing up against his legs. Jimin squats, scratching behind his ears before lifting him off the ground.

" Hi, baby," he nuzzles into his fur.

" I missed you."

Finn meows again, purring deeply, lifting his head up for Jimin to scratch under his chin.

Jimin heads into his bedroom, placing Finn down on the edge of the bed, and sighs with how good it feels to be home. Travelling and experiencing the world and being with Jungkook over the past few months has been unbelievably rewarding, and the idea of being able to share his corner of the world with that boy tomorrow is enough to get his heart racing. But right now, in this moment, all he can think about is showering in his own bathroom for the first time in months, sliding underneath his familiar blankets, and sleeping until he can't anymore.

And that's exactly what he does.

Jimin is sitting unbelievably impatient on a bench at the Chicago Riverwalk the next morning, tapping his feet in the ground, arms crossed. Jungkook should be here any minute, and he can't wait to show of Chicago, can't wait to show of Jungkook.

As touristy as it is, this is one of Jimin's favourite spots in the city, and he wants to share it with Jungkook, wants to share it with everyone, really.  There are always people down here, locals and out-of-towners, and it's not hard to understand why. The river, which flows into Lake Michigan if you walk far enough down it, is slow moving and peaceful with the occasional kayaker or boat, and the juxtaposition of the river being framed by Chicago's skyscrapers is never lost on Jimin. He has a million and one pictures of this very view on his phone already, but that doesn't stop him from taking another one now  

Eventually, he see's Jungkook out of the corner of his eye heading down the cement stairs, taking two at a time, and Jimin jumps to his feet, shielding his eyes from the bright sunshine.

" Hey, stranger!" he calls out.

Jungkook grins when he hears Jimin's voice, breaking into a jog. " Hey, you!"

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