Chapter 45

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Jungkook pauses. " Why. What are you doing?"

Jimin's entire body is shaking as he reaches into his own pocket, pulling out a similar looking box. He looks up at Jungkook, barely able to see him through his blurred vision. " Kook..."

" Jimin, what are you doing," he repeats, voice trembling. " I'm supposed to be the one to do this."

He nods. " I know. Just. I don't play by the rules."

Jungkook chokes back a sob. " I think I've heard that before."

" Yeah, I think so too." He lowers himself down in to his left knee, and he can't open the fucking box. He laughs in frustration, trying to get rid of the tremors.

Jungkook kneels down in front of him. " Here, give me the box. I'll open it."

" Worst proposal ever," Jimin says, handing over the box.

" I wholeheartedly disagree." He peers inside. " Jesus, Jimin, this is stunning."

Jimin nods. " I think I looked at rings for four hours. The jeweller hates me." He laughs nervously, touching his quiff, making sure it isn't a complete mess. " I think there's doubt in every relationship, yeah? I wanted to trust you, to trust us, but in a situation like ours, one that's so messy and complicated and unusual, it's impossible not to have doubts."

Jungkook nods. " I understand that."

" But I know you're crazy about me," he continues. " I'm obsessed with you, too. Obviously." He tries to wink, but he's pretty sure it comes out more likes a twitch, and Jungkook laughs.

" I'm not letting you propose to me because I wanted to be the one to do it. I wanted to show you that I'm in love with you, that I'm not doubting us anymore. I am confident about how I feel about you, in how you feel about me, in our future together, regardless of how long I've been biting my tongue, afraid to tell you before. And regardless of whether or not you told me you loved me, I was going to propose. I had to. I had to make sure you fucking knew."

Jungkook is breathing heavily, shoulders shaking. " I love you too," he answers simply.

His heart honestly might stop beating entirely. " We've been one a lot of journey's together so far, but the best one is yet to come, and I can't believe I get to go on it with you," he says, shaking his head. " I want our journey to continue in San Francisco. I know I freaked out before, and totally lost my mind, but I want to move. I want to make my home with you there. I've been thinking about it nonstop since you first brought it up, and in my mind and my heart, I know it's what we need to do."

He sniffles. " You don't have to do that, Min, you really don't. We can talk about it some more."

" No, I don't have to move. But I want to. As long as you'll have me there."

He nods frantically, smiling. " Yes, God, I'll have you."

Jimin laughs. " It'll be exciting. Like you said, I've done it before. And look how it turned out. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Why wouldn't I want to do something like that again? And this time, with you?" He grabs Jungkook's hand before he can completely chicken out, his voice a tiny whisper when he asks,

" Jungkook. Will you marry me?" His eyes dart across Jungkook's face, and he can't believe he's still this, fucking nervous.

Jungkook nods, can't even get the words out, just kneels there and cries; in fact both of them are. Jimin's face nearly dripping in sweat, his head hurts from crying, and he's vaguely aware that there's a camera extremely close to his face, but then Jungkook's mouth is on his and it's sloppy and too much teeth and it's fucking perfect and he doesn't care about anything else other than Jungkook.

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