Chapter 43

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He slowly makes his way over to the gazebo, his knees shaking and threatening to give out completely, and he's aware that he sounds out of breath, just from a bit of walking. He has never been this tense and anxious.

Ever. Not when he moved from London to Chicago, not when he was involved in that bloody car accident his first year of driving, not when he found out he'd been cheated on for an entire year.

Nothing compares to this, and he wants it all so badly, he could start crying.

He inhales and exhales and steps up into the gazebo, breath hitching in his throat, when he finally gets a good, long look at Jungkook. He looks positively breathtaking. His three-piece suit fits him like a glove, his hair is loose and sept out if his face, and the already present tears in his eyes make his eyes glisten. He needs to tell Jungkook how beautiful he is, inside and out, and he feels lucky to know him, even if this is where their story ends.

Fuck, this better not be where their story ends, but it might be too late, and Jimin feels like there are rocks settling in the pit of his stomach.

Jungkook reaches for Jimin's hands and brushes his thumb along his knuckles. " Hi." he murmurs.

Jimin smiles and looks down. " Hi, back."

" You looks stunning."

" You're one to talk. I can't even look directly at you. It's like looking directly into the sun."

Jungkook laughs, his hands tightening around Jimin's hands. " I hate you."

" No, you don't."

The look on Jungkook's face is one that Jimin wants to keep safe forever.

" No, I don't." he replies, much more solemnly. His hands are trembling, still locked with Jimin's. " Okay. I need to start talking before I explode."

Jimin nods. " Go ahead, love."

Jungkook's eyes well up again. " I have always been a happy person. I've never had many complaints. My family is 1incredible, my friends are amazing, my job is so rewarding...But I'd never had a real love, you know? I'd never been with someone who could turn my brain into mush, as well as be my best friend. And then last year, I found that. Or at least, I thought I did." He pauses, his tears spilling over. " God, this is scary. All of this is so scary."

Jimin squeezes Jungkook's hands.

" Take your time Kookie. Your doing so well."

Jungkook nods, taking a steady breath. " It was really hard to move on from that; Like, that was my first time ever being in love. I was so skeptical to do this show all over again, because I left with a broken heart the first time, and I didn't want to repeat it. I was so scared. But then I found someone that made me feel so safe, so secure, and any anxieties I had before were just....Gone. I jumped head first into this and never looked back."

" I don't know in depth about your past relationships, but I'd never been with anyone who makes me so excited to wake up in the morning just so I can get to them sooner. I'd never been with someone who seems to understand me from a single look. I'd never been with someone who drives me up the goddamn wall, but at the same time, I want to push them up against that stupid wall and kiss them senseless."

Jimin lets out a watery laugh. " Not sure you should say that on TV."

" What, I cant say it but I can actually do it?"

He laughs again. " You have a point."

Jungkook swallows, gaze steady.

" Have you ever been with someone like that before?"

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