Chapter 20

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They got the news that they're flying to Vail, Colorado, and Jimin is ecstatic. He's never been to Vail before, and he's heard the skiing and snowboarding conditions are supposed to be excellent this time of year. He assumed their group date will be on the mountain, and for the first time since this whole thing stared, he actually hopes to be on the group date.

They arrive in Colorado early Thursday morning after a short flight, and his name is called for the group date. It's a mountain date, just like he figured, and when Jungkook arrives at their hotel, bundled up in a heavy fur jacket, Jimin wastes no time in telling Jungkook how excited he is, solely for the reason that they're heading to the mountains.

Jungkook laughs. " So, it has nothing to do with me?"

" Absolutely not. I just want to ski."

" Glad we got that cleared up."

" I concur."

The group of six, plus Jungkook, load up into the van, their snow pants and jackets making them look like they've each gained an additional 15 pounds, and when they arrive at the bottom of the mountain, Jimin audibly gasps.

It's positively breathtaking, like a scene out of a movie. There's a gentle snowfall, family's all around are gearing up to hit the slopes, and the peak of the mountain is hidden behind a layer of clouds, high up in the sky. Jimin breathes into his hands, warming them up, unable to tear his eyes away from the beauty before him.

" Gentlemen." Jungkook starts, looking around the van. " Today we ski."

Jimin nudges Elliot with his elbow.

" Race you to the bottom. Loser buys the winner hot chocolate with Bailey's."

He snorts. " Deal."

Everyone climbs out, stretching and shaking out the ache in their bones from the car ride, and they make their way to the bottom of the mountain, each strapping on their skis, size determined earlier in the day. He's clicking his boots into the skis when Jungkook comes up behind him.

" You gonna spend the day on the bunny slope, Jeon."

Jungkook laughs. " Yeah, I am actually, we all are."

Jimin stands up straight. " Pardon?"

He backs up. " Hey, everyone, don't get too excited yet." He points to a tiny hill to his right, itty, bitty snowbunnies wobbling on and off the magic carpet conveyor. " First, we're going to be teaching that group of 4-year olds the basics. And go easy on them, it's their first time ever skiing."

Jimin puts his face into his hands.

" Jungkook! Oh, God, these poor kids. They have to deal with the lot of idiots."

He smirks. " I'm sure they'll survive."

" Uh, they'd better." He puts his gloves back on and groans. " I judge you, honestly for thinking this was a good idea. Actually, I blame their parents. What stable minded adult would think it's all fine and dandy to give their kid to a stranger on a reality TV show to teach them how to slide down a mountain with slippery sticks tied to their feet?!"

" Wow, really not giving the sport of skiing a good name, there Jimin. Or their parents."

" I'm just saying."  He grabs his poles and starts to push forward. " If one of them falls and breaks something, I'm suing you."

" You're gonna sue me?"

" You heard me."

Jungkook laughs.  " Okay, you're gonna need to relax. The hill is barely even a hill. It's like, a baby incline. No-ones going to get hurt, and after the lesson is over, we can all head up to the top in the gondola, and have a grand o' time."

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