Chapter 28

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They walk hand in hand down the wet streets of London. Jungkook excited to experience London for the first time, Jimin excited to watch him. He keeps pointing out things Jimin has seen hundreds of times, but it's fun to see something through someone else's eyes for the first time all over again, so he indulges in Jungkook's behaviour and let's him go nuts over every single building and double decker bus.

By late afternoon, Jimin assumes that sightseeing is their entire date, and honestly, he isn't too let down about it. It feels good to be back in his comfort zone, and he likes being able to lead for once. Usually, it's Jungkook who directs him, pushes him in the right direction. This time, he's in charge.

Just the way he likes it.

The sun is setting when Jungkook leads them down to the entrance of the London aquarium. He smiles and says. " Okay, here's our last stop in touristville."

" The aquarium?"

" Yes, have you been before?"

He rubs the back of his neck. " Not since a field trip when I was, like, eight, probably."

" Okay, good, well. I can guarantee you that you haven't seen it like this before."

" And how do you reckon that one?"

" You'll see."

They go through the aquarium's main entrance together, camera crew walking backwards in front of them, filming their reactions, and once they've past the main lobby, Jimin doesn't have words to describe what he's looking at.

The entire building is empty.

There are fish, yes, as well as sharks and otters and even a small penguin exhibit. But there aren't any people. Never in Jimin's wildest dreams did he ever imagine he could enter one of the area's biggest tourist attractions and have it all to himself. It's overwhelming, honestly, to look around without interruption, no distractions, just him and Jungkook, hands linked together, just them.

He turns to Jungkook. " Is this gonna be a thing? Dates that don't involve other people?"

Jungkook laughs. " You don't like..other people for the most part."

" No, I don't. I'm not complaining. I'm just clarifying." He squeezes Jungkook's hand. " I like you, though."

" Thank God." He drags Jimin's hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it. " You ready?"

" Yeah, I wanna see the turtles."

" Awesome, let's find you some turtles."

This trip to the aquarium is abundantly better than Jimin's last trip. There aren't any crowds or children screaming to touch the starfish in the touch pool, no one is crowding up against the glass to get a picture of the school of clownfish swimming by, and there isn't a single American jackass, asking why the fish aren't swimming on the other side of the tank, seeing as their in Europe, and all.

Well. There's one American jackass asking, but Jimin has learned to tune him out.

He stops in front of the tank of jellyfish, mesmerised by their movements. They're all so steady and graceful, they almost don't seem real. He gently traces his finger along the glass.

" Jungkook, look at them."

" I am, I know."

" Do you, though? They're unbelievable."

" Incredible to imagine something so small and gorgeous has that much sting on it." He smirks. " Kinda like you."

" Okay, unnecessary."

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