Chapter 11

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He swallows, tries to anyway...and reaches for his glass of water. " You mean the Park Jimin who nearly cried because of a little wind?"

" No, I mean the Park Jimin who pushed himself out of his comfort zone because he knew it would make me happy."

Christ, it's a lot, because Jungkook's right. Jimin wouldn't have done that for most people, people he's known for years, yet.

" I'm glad I did it."

" I'm glad you did it too." He grabs the salt from the centre of the table and shakes some across his entree.

" Wanna move on from this?"

" Please."

" Okay, first date questions?"

" Ugh, how is that a better alternative?"

" Because we only talked about your family a little bit the first night. I wanna know more. They sound amazing."

Oh. Jimin can easily talk about his family. And he wants to. So he does.

He tells Jungkook that his mum was a single mother up until Jimin was about five, and even though she was fairly young when she had him, she kicked major ass at it, and now he has incredible high standards for how he wants to parent his own kids.

He tells him that he has five sisters and a brother, to which Jungkook replies. " I remember."....and that he's still extremely close with them. Especially Hwa, the oldest, even with the distance. He tells him that his best childhood memories consist of his mum making a giant fuss about his birthday, because it's on Christmas Eve, and most people don't care about your birthday when it's so close to a major holiday.

Jimin takes a sip of his drink. " One time I asked her if that why she puts so much extra effort into my birthday's, because she felt bad. And she said, " No, baby, it's because you're my favourite child."

Jungkook laughs. " Sounds like something my own mother would do."

" I miss her quite a bit. I love Chicago, I do. It's just hard sometimes to be so far away."

" Do you want to go back? To London?"

He shrugs. " I dunno. I daydream about it a lot but I have such an incredible life here now that it would be silly to give it all up because I'm homesick sometimes."

Jungkook nods. " We should call her."

" Excuse me?"

" Yeah, let's call her. When was the last time you talked to her?"

Jimin scratches his jaw. " Not that long ago. The day I flew to LA, I think. So, like...not even a full week ago."

" We should call her." he repeats.

" Well, as fun as that seems." Jimin starts, not bothering to hide his sarcasm. " Its about four in the morning her time."

Jungkook frowns. " I forgot about time zones."

" I can see that."

" In the morning then?"

Jimin laughs. " Just desperate to meet another Park?"

" Another accent, actually. It's bloody brilliant."

He laughs again. " Shit impression, Jeon."

" I tried."

" Not well. But in the morning, if I decide I still like you, we can call my mum."

He waggles his eyebrows. " You like me?"

" Oi, forget it, I don't."

Jungkook smiles and looks down, going back to cutting up his food.

" So, let's talk about past relationships."

And The Games Begin حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن