Chapter 7

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The first date card arrives early next morning. Sean comes prancing into the living room, waving the envelope around in the air.

" Look what I've got." he sings out.

The other nineteen men, Jimin included, settle on the couch and various chairs as they watch Sean rip open the seal.

" Who's going?" Cole asks.

Sean clears his throat. " Jimin. Let's take our relationship to new heights. Jungkook."

Jimin's cheeks burn as he can feel the nineteen eyes in him at once. " Welp, looks like I've just gone from hated to most hated in a matter of seconds."

A few men let out chuckles, most are silent and don't give him the satisfaction of laughing. Brock, however speaks up. " You get the first impression rose and the first date. A little dickish of you, man."

He holds up his hands. " You say that accusingly."

" So?"

" I have nothing to do with any of that. If you want to be annoyed, voice it with Jungkook. Not me."

Brock rolls his neck and stands up. He's massive. But before either of them can say anything else, Cam jumps in.

" Hey, Min, come outside with me?"

He nods. " Sure thing." He turns to Brock, smiles sweetly, and rips the envelope out if his hands before he even has a chance to react.

It's hot outside, and it's something Jimin is still getting used to; Chicago is nothing but wind. LA is still warm and sunny. It's gorgeous, but different.

Cam leans against the the railing of the deck and squints when the sun hits his face. " They're just jealous," he says.

" I'm not really bothered by it. No one is gonna like the guy that has the first connection, yeah? It just happened to be me."

He mashed his lips together. " it's because you're not trying too hard."

" Or trying at all, really."

Can Laughs. " Just naturally charismatic."

" Sounds about right." He drums his fingers along the railing. " I dunno. This process is weird. I feel like being overly romantic right in the beginning is stupid. He's essentially a stranger. Why would I want to try to be over-the-top and try to impress him so early on? It screams desperation. I'm just trying to have a little fun, you know?"

" Mhm. The Bachelor kind of is a show made up about desperation, though."

Jimin smiles. " True."

Cam grabs the envelope from Jimin's hand. " So, new heights. Where do you think you're going?"

" Oh my God." The blood drains from Jimin's face. " I didn't even think if what. Wait. Cameron. I'm gonna be stranded in some fucking ridiculous tower, aren't I?"

" I'd say so, Rapunzel."

" No, fuck off, I'm, like...deathly afraid of heights."

The look on his face must be that of sheer panic, because Cam's bursts out laughing, immediately covering his face with his hands. " Oh, Christ, Jimin. I'm sorry. Just....don't look down."

Jungkook pulls up to the mansion in a red convertible two hours later. The group of men head outside to greet him, and Jimin trails behind in the back of the pack. He doesn't need to be the first out there, not when he's about to be the one that spends the day with Jungkook, all alone.

Plus 12-15 crew members. And eventually, the entire United States. But, that's just semantics.

Jungkook's leaning against the car, gold rimmed aviators sitting on the bridge of his nose, black skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. Casual. It makes Jimin feel better about his own choice of Vans.

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