Chapter 31

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The rest of the day goes by seamlessly. They make a quick stop at the chocolate factory, where Jungkook asks Jimin about 20 or 30 times if he can smell chocolate, and after, he takes him to Grant Park, dragging him past art museums and history museums, Jungkook whining to stop the whole time.

" What's going on here?" he asks.

Jimin puts his hands on his hips.

" Well, this weekend is a big weekend for Grant Park."

" And why is that?"

" Because they've transformed the entire park into a carnival, just for you."

" Seriously?"

" No, what the hell. What kind of power do you think I have?"

Jungkook laughs. " But there's really a carnival going on?"

" Yes, and you just happen to be here for it."

" Awesome."

It's silly, really, that Jimin is so giddy to buy candy apples and fried dough and take pictures in photo booths. The line for the bumper cars is outrageous, the Ferris wheel looks like it's nearly a hundred years old, there are about a thousand noisy children running around, but Christ, it's all so good, being here with Jungkook, and if Jimin thought he couldn't love his City more than before today, he was dead wrong.

They eat disgusting chilli dogs and finish them of with Italian ice for lunch, and when Jungkook suggests they play a round of ring toss, Jimin is beside himself.

" Um, yes. I seriously dominate this game."

" You that sure of yourself, Park?"

" Yes, best out of five?"

" Should we bet?"

Jimin mashes his lips together.

" Absolutely. If I win, you give me a thousand dollars."

Jungkook throws his head back and laughs. " Right, because that's realistic. Try again."

" Fine. If I win, you have to get a tattoo."

" That's a little aggressive..."

" A fake one, dummy. At that booth over there." He points over Jungkook's shoulder. " A face tattoo. You're going to be the most beautiful butterfly, all glittery and pink."

He laughs again. " You're on. And if I win, it's a tramp stamp for you."

" Works for me, because I won't have to get one."

Jimin steps up to the counter and puts down a few dollars. The man in the booth gives him a set of rings, and he makes sure Jungkook is watching before he takes his aim. He flicks his wrist and the first ring lands on the bottle neck easily. So does the second, and the third. The fourth, though, bounces off, clinking on the pavement on the ground.

Jungkook whistles. " Shame, shame."

" Oh, unclench, it was only one ring."

He smirks. " Try not to mess up the last one..." He moves in close, whispering in Jimin's ear. " But, you're too good to screw up, right? Don't get all in your head about it."

Jimin rolls his eyes. " Are you serious."

" I have to try everything I can because I'm really bad at this game and I don't want to walk around like a human butterfly."

He laughs. " Then why'd you suggest we bet, if you knew you sucked at it?"

" I didn't know you were actually good at it! And now I'm fucked!"

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