Chapter 39

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Jimin wakes up around three in the morning for no apparent reason. His entire body aches, a good ache though, and Jungkook is sound asleep next to him, his hair sweeping across his forehead. Jimin can't not touch, he has to, and Jungkook doesn't stir, breathing still steady and even.

He slides over across the mattress, pulling Jungkook's arm on top of him, rubbing his hand up and down his forearm, playing with the barely there hair. He's warm, so warm that Jimin has to kick of the covers, grunting, and that's when Jungkook cracks open his eyes.

" What are you doing?"

" I got bored."

" You got bored at...." he looks over at the clock in the nightstand " Three in the morning?"

Jimin nods. " Yeah, entertain me."

" I'd rather entertain the idea of sleep."

" Boring. Wake up and talk to me."

Jungkook sighs, knowing he's lost.

" What do you want to talk about?"

" Umm." He licks his lips. " Tell me something that you'd think I'd find interesting, but never said it before because cameras are always around."

" Your ass is amazing and I've wanted to eat you out since day one." he replied without hesitation.

Jimin blushes. " Jeon Jungkook! Good God, have some decency."

He laughs. " Alright, fine." He tucks Jimin's hair behind his ear, thinking.

" One time, I had a dream I was a dolphin trainer, so for four years, I made my mum send me to biology camp. And then I found out that these kind of places are typically fairly abusive to their animals and I cried about it for two months."

He pats Jungkook on the back.

" That's cute. Why couldn't you say that in front of a camera?"

" Because it's embarrassing."

" All 8-year-olds love the ocean Jungkook."

" I was 18."

Jimin bursts out laughing. " Okay, yeah that's embarrassing."

" Fuck off, your turn, you tell me something."

" Hm." He keeps tracing along Jungkook's arm, watching goosebumps rise. " I'm allergic to bananas but I still eat them everyday, anyway."

" What the hell, why would you keep eating them?"

" Because they're delicious," he says, like Jungkook is stupid.

" What happens when you eat them?!"

" Nothing bad, my tongue just kind of hurts."

" Wow, you're a dumbass."

" And that's why I didn't say it on camera."

They go back and forth for a while, talking about things they've been keeping hidden for the past twelve weeks, eventually diving into deeper territory, like biggest fears, goals and dreams. And they end up talking all night, whispering to one another, and Jimin knows now would be a good time to being up Nathan, about the backstory to his messy freak out, about everything. But Jungkook is looking at him like he's the only thing that matters, and Jimin can't bring himself to speak, too afraid to destroy how safe he feels.

He has his neck burrowed into Jungkook's neck, watching Jungkook trace along the freckles, bruises and marks on his stomach.

" Mhm, what are you doing?"

" Connecting the dots." he says, " Feel nice?"

Jimin nods. " Yeah, feels nice."

" It's like you have cancellations on you."

He looks down. " I guess so."

Jungkook's movement's pause briefly, and then he starts laughing. " You're my Little Dipper."

Jimin pinches him on the arm. " That was the ugliest thing you have ever said, I'm serious."

He's still laughing. " I can't call you that in public?"

" Not if you want to see the sun rise!"

But then the sun actually does start rising, and before they know it, the crew is knocking at their door, telling Jungkook to get up and get ready. Jimin hangs into him like a Koala, playing dead weight, and Jungkook laughs. It's all good, all so deliriously perfect.

" Seriously, Jungkook, get up. We have to start getting the room ready for your overnight with Cam."

Jimin thinks his heart just about stops beating, and that's the phrase he needed to slap himself back to reality, to climb out of bed and yank on his still soaking wet bathing trunks. It reeks and he doesn't care.

Jungkook can clearly tell he's bothered by it; he grips his wrists and tugs him in his arms. " I don't want you to leave," he mumbles into his hair. He says it so sincerely that Jimin believes him, and somehow, that makes it worse.

It's hot out, the breeze making it feel more all the more comfortable, and the waves crashing on the shore are inviting, serene and calming. But Jimin ignores all of it and climbs into bed, pulling the covers up to his ears, trying not to focus on the fact that Jungkook has two more overnight dates this week, which his mind conveniently blocked out. Jungkook might sleep with them, too.  He might kiss and touch and fuck them just like he fucked Jimin last night.

Jimin squeezes his eyes tight and stays in bed until an hour before the next rose ceremony, screaming at his mind the entire time to shut the hell up.

Jimin and Cam are standing side by side, the sounds of the birds tweeting noisily in the distance, and it's obvious that Bryce is missing. He has the feeling Jungkook sent him home during their date, and when Jungkook and Chris step out together in front of them, the look on their faces are confirmation of Jimin's theory.

Jungkook clasps his hands together.

" Today was a great week, but at the same time, it was also really difficult. Getting to be with each of you and having so much alone time was phenomenal, and I'm really excited about this upcoming week. But I had to send Bryce home. We both knew it wasn't right, and I had to be fair, instead of dragging him into another rose ceremony. It wasn't easy, my any means." He takes a deep breath. " I'm happy and confident with the two people standing in front of me. With that being said...." He picks up the first rose. " Cameron, will you accept this rose?"

Cam nods and steps forward, Jungkook attaching the rose to his shirt. They hug and Cam rejoins Jimin.

" Jimin. Will you accept this rose?"

" Yeah, I will." He lets Jungkook put the rose on his jacket, pissed that Lydia made him wear something so heavy in the 4,000 degree weather, and Jungkook smiles when it's attached. He takes a flute of champagne off of the tray and hands it to Cam, handing the second one to Jimin, keeping the third for himself.

" Later this week, my family is coming to town, and I'm over the moon that you both finally get to meet them." He holds up his champagne glass.

" Cheers!" Jimin and Cam echo, and Jimin drains the glass in two sips.

He's about to meet the family.

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