Chapter 19

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Before they leave for part two of the date, Lydia pulls Jimin aside for a quick interview and he dramatically coughs up some dirt before he starts speaking.

" Today was a tough day," he says, blinking into the sunlight. " I had a near death experience."

She puts her hands on her hips.

" Honestly, Jimin."

" But it was worth it, to keep my boy alive."

He can hear Jungkook laughing from inside the van. " What would I have ever done without you?" he calls out through the closed window.

" Keeled over and died, probably. Useless on the battlefield, you were."

" Okay, no more, get in the van."

He turns back to the camera. " You heard him, let's move."

It's the most of informal of dates yet. None of them shower after paintballing, so there's dirt and smears of paint stuck to them everywhere, welts and bruises forming across their skin from where they'd been shot, and they all put their sweatpants and t-shirts back on instead of putting their suits on like usual.

They make their way to the rooftop pool, which isn't too far out of the ordinary, but instead of a fancy sit down dinner that typically accompanies dates on The Bachelor, there are boxes of pizza and containers of Chinese food spread out before them. Jimin thinks he could tear up, he's so pleased.

They all settle in, Jimin immediately grabbing for a slice of buffalo chicken pizza, and he pulls his knees up to his chest on the chair, eating happily. It's a bit odd to be on a date with Jungkook and two other guys, but it's better than the alternative of not being here at all, so he takes it in his stride and reaches for a second piece.

They eat and joke and drink, awkwardness and tension not really there, and it's completely dark out by the time they're all reaching for their bathing suits that they were instructed to bring.

Jimin heads into the bathroom and pulls them over his hips, looking at himself in the full length mirror. The black war paint is smeared all across his cheekbones and there are splatters of yellow and green paint on his neck and hands. What really stands out, though, is the enormous welt raised off of his chest, right above his heart. It's tender to touch, and every time he twists just right he winces. Swimming isn't an option now, no way.

Damn paintball.

He heads back outside to see Alec, Casey and Jungkook already in the pool, water illuminated by an underwater light. He sits on the edge, letting his feet dangle in. It's cool, but comfortable, and he wiggles his toes. He looks up when he sees Jungkook making his way over to him.

" Not coming in?"

Jimin shrugs. " Okay, come with me." He hoists himself out of the pool, his back muscles taut, and once he's standing, dripping wet onto the pavement, he reaches down for Jimin's hand. " Up!"

He gets to his feet, using Jungkook's hand for balance, and follows him around the side of the building. There's a hot tub bubbling and he can nearly feel the steam from 20 feet away. They climb in together, Jimin doing his best to ignore the fact that he has an audience of crew members, as well as Casey and Alec positioning themselves so they can peek around from their position in the pool.

The water is hot but feels incredible on his sore muscles. He closed his eyes and leans back, letting the jets do their job, letting his legs tangle with Jungkook's. They sit there in silence for a while, Jimin loses track of time entirely, but opens his eyes when he feels Jungkook's hand on his leg.

" Can I help you?"

Jungkook smirks. " Wanted to make sure you hadn't just died on me."

" Nope, still alive and kicking."

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