Chapter 5

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Jungkook reaches out and grips his elbow. " Other than wowing, what do you do?"

" I work in advertising."

" Oh, that's interesting."

" No, it really isn't. One shouldn't lie so early on, Jungkook."

Jungkook laughs again and Jimin loves the sound of it, loves that it's for him, loves that his hand is still touching Jimin's elbow. " I'm not lying! I honestly wanted to go into advertising for the longest time."

" But then you became a dentist instead. Those aren't even remotely similar, how'd you choose that one?" Jimin backtracks, making a face.

" Probably creepy that I'm bringing up the fact that that I know what you do for a living and you don't even know my last name yet."

He smirks. " I take it you watched the show last season?"

Jimin swallows. " Yeah. Why else do you think I'm here? I wouldn't have flown across the country for just anyone." he murmurs, letting it slip out before he even knows what's happening.

" If I wasn't feeling lucky before, I'm definitely feeling pretty lucky right about now."

Jimin wants to laugh in his face, because Jungkook is the one that's here to choose from 25 gorgeous men from all over the country; he has it made. But Jungkook is looking at him so sincerely, he can't muster up any sarcasm or jokes. Instead, he just chokes out, " Park. My last name. It's Park."

" Park Jimin, it's been my pleasure to meet you." Jungkook says, voice hushed.

He nods. " Likewise." He can see one of the producers over Jungkook's shoulder, motioning that Jimin needs to wrap up. " I'll, uh, see you inside?"

" Most definitely." He pulls Jimin in by the elbow, wrapping his arms around him briefly, and when he pulls back, his smile is reaching his eyes, genuine and sweet.

Jimin smiles back and starts to walk inside the mansion, stepping over the puddles that have accumulated from the hose within the dips between the stones and bricks on the walkway. He can feel Jungkook's gaze still on him, and he fails to ignore how damp his palms are. He blames his jittery movements on the fact that he's being recorded, that he's filming for a TV show, it's not because of Jungkook. It's not because of Jungkook. It's not of because of Jungkook.

He's pissed that he's already losing at his own game.

Or maybe he's winning.

He isn't entirely positive.

The mansion is exactly what Jimin expected; over-the-top, big, noisy and in your face.

That goes for the actual structure, as well as the people inside it.

Now that he's less nervous and the hard part is over, Jimin can actually gawk at the other contestants and determine who his competition is, who he thinks he'd get along with, who he kind of wants to punch out. And looking around the room, it seems like it's split 50/50.

He settles in on the red, velvet...seriously?....couch in between Evan from the limo and another guy he hasn't met yet. The guy holds out his hand. " I'm Cam."

Jimin reaches for it and grabs.

" Jimin,"

" Oh, you're the one with the accent."

He laughs. " That'd be me."

" I've heard about you."

" Already? We've been here for like, eight and a half minutes."

Can smiles. " Word travels fast."

" Apparently."

They fall into a relaxed silence and Jimin is happy to observe. Drinks are being passed around, music is playing from outside on the terrace, and then, all at once, everyone gets to their feet, whistling and clapping as Jungkook enters the room.

It's uncomfortable, honestly, that all 25 men are acting like Jungkook is the last single man on earth, that he's the greatest thing to have graced the planet, but then Jimin remembers that there are cameras on them still, filming their every move and reaction, and he doesn't want to be that dick already, the guy that acts like this entire thing is ridiculous (which it is) and he's better than the process (which he might be). He keeps that in mind as he, too, climbs to his feet and tries not to feel like a total idiot for clapping for some guy he hardly knows, just because he's standing there and smiling.

Jungkook smiles and holds up his own flute of champagne. " Thank you all so much for being here. I'm still in disbelief that there is a group of people that actually came here to date me. I'm very honoured to be a part of this experience and I'm excited to get to know you all. Cheers to you all," he says, taking a sip.

" Cheers." the rest of the room murmurs out.

Jimin wants to tip his head back and drain the entire glass to escape how awkward this is, that everyone is looking at Jungkook like he's a slab of meat.

He glances around the room and then back at Jungkook, and Jungkook's gaze is already locked on his face. It makes Jimin a little squirmy to be the only person under Jungkook's attention, so he jokingly blows a kiss to break the tension. Jungkook's grin grows, and even though Jimin hasn't looked away from Jungkook yet, he knows everyone in the room is staring.

He's about to approach Jungkook, ask him if he wants to head outside to the patio together, when Tall, Dark and Handsome beats him to the punch. Jungkook smiles and they squeeze past the rest of the men, making their way outside.

The rest of the night goes by a lot more seamlessly than Jimin expected it to. There's always some drunken drama when he watches it on TV, but this group seems to be exceptionally mellow. He takes an immediate liking to Cam from the couch, a guy named Blake who also lives in Chicago, and an actual farmer named Elliot.

They hang out together in the bonus room, laughing over a game of pool and a round of drinks, and by the time it's two in the morning, Jimin is considerably less tense and, for the first time, excited to be in his situation.

He won't tell Tae that, though.

He's lining up to take his final shot when the rest of the group stands up a little straighter, exclaiming a forced,

" Hi, Jungkook!" all at once.

Jimin looks up, pool stuck still in his hand, and sees Jungkook standing by the door, camera crew trailing behind.

" Hey, Jeon."

Jungkook smirks. " Wanna head outside with me for a bit?"

The rest of the guys seem to deflate a bit at Jungkook's request and Jimin cocks his hip. " Mind if I finish my last shot first?"

" Seriously, Jimin." Elliot asks.

" Yes, I'm about to win and you can suck on it."

Jungkook smiles. " Be my guest, go ahead."

Jimin bends down and closes one eye, focussing. He pulls back his arm, ready to release, and as he shoots, someone kicks him in the back of the knee, making him completely miss the eight ball.

" What the fuck!?!"

Cam laughing. " I knew you'd be a sore loser."

" You son of a bitch." He straightens his back and stretches. " Alright, well, Jungkook, I guess I'll settle for hanging out with you instead."

He snorts. " I appreciate the hardship."

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