Chapter 27

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Jimin was instructed to wear comfortable clothing, including shoes that won't give him blisters, and he pouts.

" Am I gonna be doing excessive walking? Do I really have to be a tourist in my own city?"

" Are you ever grateful for anything, ever?" Lydia asks, exasperated.

" Yes, I'm grateful when I'm in bed, asleep." He pauses. " And also, when I'm with Jungkook, if we're being honest. Where is that boy of mine, anyway? Isn't it almost time for us to get going?"

" Jesus Christ, the one time you're sweet and the camera's aren't rolling! What are the chances I can get you to say that again?"

He pretends to think about it. " Hmm, it would possibly have to be a life or death situation, I'm thinking." He leans forward and kisses her on the cheek. " Love you."

" You suck, But also, you look lovely. Your hair is nice like that."

He touches his quiff. " Aw, this o'l thing? Thanks love."

" And to answer your question, Jungkook should be here in about ten."

" Okay, good, so I have time to ring me mum before I have to go."

" Yup, if you make it quick."

" Sure, tell her that."

He makes his way over to the hotels phone and dials the first number he ever had memorised. It picks up on the third ring.

" Hello?"

His throat constricts, Just a little bit.

" Hi, Eun-a."

" Jimin?"

" How are you?"

" I'm good! Where are you now?"

He mashes his lips together. He does not want to tell her he's about two hours away from the house, and most likely won't be able to make it there. He'll cry if he has to say that out loud, especially to his 16 year old sister.

" let me talk to mum. I only have a few minutes."

" Hold on."

He listens as Eun-a screams for her mum followed by a bunch of rustling over the phone. Then; " Hi, baby."

Jesus her voice is so comforting, and it's only been two months since the last time he talked to her but it still feels like a punch to the stomach.

" Hi, mum."

" Where are you calling me from?"

He wraps the phone cord around his left pointer finger and takes a deep breath. " I'm in London."

" Is this you calling to tell me you don't have time for a visit?"

He whines. " I wish I wasn't making this call."

" It's okay., baby. The girls don't know yet, so no major let down for them."

" What about me?! I miss everyone so much."

" Would it help if I said I'd been sorting out a trip to visit you in Chicago for when you get back home? Me, Ji-hye, Soo-ji, Yoo-na and Eun-a?"

He holds the phone closer to his ear.

" Are you serious? You've never visited me there before."

" Flights are too expensive now and the girls will be on break. I want to see where my biggest baby lives."

" Jesus." He rubs his hand across his face. " That makes me feel a little better, yeah."

" I'm glad. Just happy to know you're on the same continent as me right now."

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