Chapter 9

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The instructor, Cooper, tells them that this is completely safe, and that hundreds of people every day climb the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a huge tourist attraction, and the only reason there's no-one on the bridge today is because they shut it down just for Jungkook and Jimin.

" You have nothing to be afraid of. The harness will be attached to the building directly, and honestly, the hardest part will be walking up at such an incline. No one ever mentions the height. Generally speaking, people seem most annoyed about the fact that they're essentially climbing a stair master, and that they just paid to do an aggressive workout when they thought they would be sightseeing."

Jungkook laughs, Jimin wants to light himself on fire.

" Okay, let's get you two set up, and then you can get going. Have fun!"

Jimin turns to face Jungkook. " Oh, right, let's have fun." he mocks.

Jungkook claps his hands together.

" That's the spirit!"

" Sense the tone."

" I'm ignoring the tone. Come on baby."

It's the second time he's called him "baby".....not that Jimin is keeping track....and he knows that Jungkook's only saying it to loosen him up, or just to play with him. Either way, he isn't against it and he tries to act like he doesn't care. His blush says otherwise.

They stand together at the very bottom and Jimin watched helplessly as Cooper attaches his harness to the side of the railing. " No one has ever died doing this, right?"

" Nah, not on my watch, anyway."

" Perfect." he replies, voice void of any emotion.

Before Cooper can attach Jungkook, Jungkook grabs Jimin's elbow. " Do you want to walk in front, or me to?"

" I want you in front. I don't want to have to lead."

" Okay."

Cooper starts to attach Jungkook's harness in front of Jimin, and Jimin decides that won't do. " No, wait. I want you behind me. To catch me if I slip or something."

Jungkook smiles. " I can do that."

Once they're both attached, Jimin forces his knees to stop shaking, hoping that they don't buckle out from underneath him, and slowly makes his way to the entryway.

As long as he doesn't look up, he's fine

Or down, or to his left, Or right.

Oh God.

" One step at a time, Jimin. You're okay."

" Patience, Jungkook."

He doesn't have to turn around to know that Jungkook is smiling behind him. " Take your time."

" I plan to."

The first twenty feet aren't so hard, and neither are the twenty after that, but then the wind starts to pick up.

Jimin grips on to the railing like a lifeline, imaging he can actually feel the bridge swaying beneath his feet. He closes his eyes and stills his movements completely.

" You still doing okay so far?" Jungkook asks, chin hooked over Jimin's shoulder.

He nods. " Just...give me a sec."

" You can have all the secs you want." He pauses " Ha."

Jimin snorts. " Didn't realise I was on a date with a ten year old."

" Don't pretend you hate it."

The wind slows down and Jimin feels like he can breathe again. " Okay, moving forward."

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