Chapter 15

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Jimin wakes up the next morning...or rather two hours later...extremely grumpy and beyond irritable, contacts stick to his eyes, almost in tears that he's so tired. That is, until he sees a bag on the nightstand next to him.

He peers inside and sees a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt. He doesn't realise their Jungkook's until he reads the note at the bottom of the bag.


Enjoy the swim.

- J

The shirt smells like him and when he slips on the trousers, they do almost fall right off. They're fucking perfect and Jimin wants to live in them.

Jesus, this smile might be permanent.

The car is already waiting outside for him, when he makes his way through the lobby, and Jungkook is sitting in the back, coffee in his hand, back in his suit from the night before. Jimin slides in next to him and Jungkook hands him the cup, kissing him on the cheek.

" Knew they'd be ridiculously big on you."

" I hope you don't plan to get these back. How'd you even get them in my room?"

" Did some more bribing with one of the women behind the front desk. And you look better in them, anyway, they're all yours." He leans forward and speaks to the driver. " Alright, we're all set. My boy is here."

The whole way to the airport, Jungkook leaves his hand dangerously high up on Jimin's thigh, palm warm and big, fingers moving slowly against the grey cotton, and Jimin doesn't do a damn thing about it.

Doug's picture of Jungkook and Jimin from the restaurant surfaces a few days later; Jungkook's dimple is out and Jimin's eyes are crinkled in the corners. Both of them have messy hair and blotchy cheeks from their day in the wind and sun, and it might be Jimin's favourite picture.

The next five days at the mansion are....Horribly dull. Now that his date with Jungkook is over and done with, he doesn't have much to look forward to until the next cocktail party and rose ceremony rolls around, or until they start travelling.

To pass the time, Jimin spends the majority of the week intermittently sitting outside tanning in the sun by the pool and lounging inside, trying to salvage any friendship he has inside the house with a few of the boys who don't seem too threatened by his running start.

He's back in Jungkook's sweatpants, snacking on popcorn on the couch inside, pulling at a loose string at the hem of the pants, when the group date card comes on day four. He stretches obnoxiously, waving his legs around in the air to see if anyone says anything.


No one knows they were originally Jungkook's would they?....but he kind of wants to run around, anyway, screaming. " Look who literally got into Jungkook's trousers first, everyone else stay out!"

Just so everyone is aware.

He refrains though, happy to keep it his own little secret.

The date calls for Evan, Cam, Jonathan, Cole, Frankie, Juan and Elijah. Jin reads it out loud to the group, the disappointment on his face evident when he doesn't call out his own name. " Let's belt it out together, Jungkook."

Jimin is sitting next to Frankie on the couch, and he nudged him with his arm. " You're going to an Opera house mate."

" Oh god! You think?"

" This show has no limits. Enjoy singing in front of thousands of people."

He rolls his eyes, still obviously not the biggest fan of is, after his winning streak of earning the first impression rose and first one-to-one date, but when he sees Frankie starting to nervously twist his fingers together, Jimin smirks.

Good. If he's uncomfortable enough on the date, he'll fuck up, and that's one more out the door.

Christ, when did he get so territorial?

Jungkook enters the mansion about two hours later, wearing black jeans, similar to the ones he wore on his date with Jimin, but this time, instead of a t-shirt, he had on a blazer and his hair is tamed, his loose hair framing his jaw.

" Hi, everyone." he says with a smile.

A couple of guys get up from their seat on the couch to greet him, and when he wraps his arms around Jay's shoulders, Jimin looks down at his lap.

" I'm excited about our date today!" he continues. " There's a car out front waiting for us, so let's get going!"

The group cheers and they make their way out through the door, leaving Jimin and the others behind. He looks back up just in time to see Jungkook staring at him. He winks and mouths, " Nice trousers." And then he's out the door too.

Jimin goes upstairs and rifles through his laundry until he finds Jungkook's gift shop t-shirt. It smells mostly of Jimin now, Jungkook's aftershave fades, but he yanks it over his head anyway, climbs into his bunk, and promptly falls asleep for four hours.

The men come back late....not as late as Jimin had for his own date, which none of them had really pried over when he arrived back in the morning, thank God....and they're all pretty rowdy, pissing Jimin off when they come into the bedroom, turning all the lights on. He grumbles and turns over on his stomach, putting his pillow over his head.

Someone taps his shoulder. " Jimin."

Jimin groans louder and ignores them

" Min."

" Ugh. What do you want?" He rolls over and squints in the light. It's Cam. " And what time is it?"

" Like four in the morning."

Jimin's laugh sounds strangled. " It's like you to have a death wish."

" Move over, I'm getting in."

He's too tired to argue, so he rolls, pulling the blankets up to his chin. He can smell the alcohol on Cam. " Did you drink an entire troth of rum?"

Cam wriggles underneath the sheets, and Jimin realises he's still wearing his dress trousers. " Not a whole troth, half."

Jimin snorts. " Charming."

" Are you gonna ask me how the date went?"

" No, because it's four in the morning."

" Come on, I asked you how yours went!" He moaned.

" Cam, this is weird. You're drunk and in my bed and I don't want to talk about your date with the same guy I just went on a date with five days ago."

He grumbles. " Fine."

" Good talk. Go to sleep."

" Okay." Cam goes silent for about six seconds. " So, like...we went to an opera house. Frankie said you totally called that one."

Jimin resists the urge to punch himself in the face. He knows he won't be able to go back to sleep until he obliges. " What'd you do at the opera house, Cameron." he asks, eyes closed.

" We has to learn a song and perform it and I swear to god. I almost puked all over the stage."

He smiles at that, eyes still closed.

" What'd you sing?"

" The second verse of 525,600 minutes."

" Ah, a classic."

" And everyone laughed at me the whole time. I wished you were there. You would have made an even bigger jackass out of yourself than I did."

" Well I've heard you sing around the house, love. I can't say I blame them. And I" he says, smacking Cam across the chest, " am an amazing singer."

" You suck." He yawns, rubbing his chest. " I'm gonna fall asleep here."

" Get out of my bunk!"

" Make me."

Jimin has zero strength to force him out, he's just so fucking tired, so he leaves him there, annoyed he has to share his covers, relieved he finally has someone in the house that he can consider a friend.

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