Chapter 17

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" Yeah, not so much." He took the ball from Jimin's hands. " I didn't think she'd be home for hours!"

" Parents lie about that stuff, Jungkook."

" Apparently so." His next shot hit the rim and bounced out. " Fuck."

" Ha! Okay, another secret. Porn of choice?"

" Why are all these secrets about sex?"

" You started it."

" Ugh." He made a face. " My family is gonna watch this, Min."

" Yeah, mine too. No mercy."

" Dammit!" He picked up the ball from under the hoop and dribbled it mindlessly. " Jesus, this is embarrassing. Probably....I dunno. I like amateur stuff."

" Why's that?"

Jungkook started to squirm, cheeks reddening, and Jimin loved that he could finally break him down, little by little. " It's not as phoney, and there isn't any stupid dialogue and can we not discuss this anymore in front of the camera crew who's filming this to air it on national TV?"

Jimin laughed. " Fine, my shot." It bounces of the rim but successfully goes in. His smile is devilish.

" I don't want to play this game anymore."

" Aw, not my fault you're losing. Another secret. I'll go a little easier on you. What's typically your type?"

Jungkook rubbed his jaw. " Physically?...I like a guy that's shorter than me. I like being able to hold someone. I love a genuine smile, nice arms...." He waggled his brows. " Nice butt."

Jimin cocked his hip. " You describing me personally?"

" Well, look at that. Seems you fit within that category."

Jungkook's next shot went in...finally, and he made Jimin describe his favourite position in bed. It was unbearably awkward, but obvious payback for asking about his favourite type of porn, so he took it in stride, explaining in great detail about his love for the sex swing, and his demonstration made Jungkook laugh so hard, he was nearly in tears.

The game went on, each question more embarrassing than the last, and Jimin was relieved...and surprised...that no-one from inside the mansion bothered to come outside to steal Jungkook from him.

After Jungkook's sixth missed shot, Jimin scoffed. " I thought you said you'd played basketball in college. This is humiliating. For you, anyway."

" I'm distracted." he said, frustrated. Without another word, he dropped the basketball to the ground and pushed Jimin up against the basketball pole. " Can you blame me?"

Jimin idly scratches the metal behind him with his fingernail and pretended to not be affected. " Distracted over what?"

" How am I supposed to make a single successful shot with you standing there in a suit that looks like it was basically painted on and discussing your sex life?"

" What, are you 14 years-old? Can't take a little talk about sex without crying about it?"

" No, just...." He slid his hands around Jimin's waist and held him there.

".....wildly attracted to you."

Jimin exhaled, unaware that he was holding his breath. " Kind of hard to do anything about that here, don't you think?"

" We can make do." His right hand left it's position from Jimin's hip and slid up into his hair. He tangled his fingers in before he leaned in to kiss him, pressing the entire length of his body up against Jimin's, and Jimin was nearly whining at the way Jungkook's breath mingled with his own, the way Jungkook's tongue slid into his mouth, the way Jungkook gripped onto him, possessively and safely.

And The Games Begin Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin