Chapter 41

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They talk about his siblings, his job, his life in London, his life in Chicago, and his favourite part of the journey with Jungkook so far. They steer clear of his last relationship though, and Jimin assumes Jungkook said something to them ahead of time.

Jimin places his plate of food down on the coffee table in front of him and puts his elbows on his knees. " Well, I can tell you my least favourite part of this whole thing so far." He goes on to explain the Bridge climbing excursion, and the way he tells the story has everyone in hysterics, Jungkook included.

" Okay, you make it sound so much worse than it actually was!" he argues.

" Nope, I'm pretty sure it was that bad."

" The views were amazing, Min. You can't pretend it wasn't gorgeous."

" The only view I remember from that day is the view of the inside of my eyelids."

" Okay, that's enough out of you. Eat your couscous."

" My what?"

Jungkook points to the pile of rice on his plate. " Couscous. Why...What'd you think it was?"

Jimin's eyes go wide, not about to admit that he thought couscous was Goddamn potatoes. " No, I know it's couscous. Jesus." He takes a giant bite of it, hating every second of the taste and texture, but to prove a point, swallows and takes another spoonful.

" My favourite."

Jungkook looks annoyingly amused, as he can clearly tell Jimin is lying through his teeth, but keeps playing along, anyway. " Since you like it so much, let me grab your plate and get you some more. There's a ton left out there."

Jimin grabs Jungkook's arm before he has the chance to stand up and whispers in his ear. " You know it's not too late to send myself home."

He smiles, trying to hold back his laughter. " Yeah, as if I'd allow you to leave me at this point. I'm in it to win it, Park. Finish the rest of your couscous, you dick."

They talk for hours, and it never feels forced, never uncomfortable, and at the end of the evening as Jimin sips at his white wine, he's vaguely aware that this is what Christmas Eve or thanksgiving could feel like, kids running around and holiday music playing, and he is so, so fucked.

Jungkook gets up to walk Jimin back to his hotel, and Jimin makes his way around the room, hugging each family member, telling them all that he truly enjoyed them and can't wait to see them again - or hopes to, anyway.

Suri stops him as he leans in for a hug.  " No, come with me first."

He doesn't question it, just follows her onto the terrace outside, looking over his shoulder behind him to look at Jungkook, Jungkook shrugs, obviously confused, too.

It's not as hot now that the sun has gone down completely, but it's still sticky, and Jimin slaps away a mosquito. " What's up?"

She crosses her arms across her chest.

" From what I just saw in there, my brother is absolutely crazy about you."

Jimin's stomach clenches. " I'd like to think so." The understatement of the year.

" I know everyone always says you never want to fuck up a relationship with someone who has a brother, because brothers will threaten to break your bones if you hurt their sibling. But dating someone with a sister is significantly worse, and I'll tell you why." She stares directly at him, eyes unblinking. " Girls don't go for the physical threats. No. They go for vengeance. They go for payback. And they are relentless."

Jimin nods, swallowing. " I know. I have five sisters. They're all horrible."

She smiles slightly at that. " If you break my brothers heart, you will be sorry you ever met him, and that's a guarantee."

He nods again. " Suri?"

" What."

" Thank you for sharing him with me."

Her demeanour softens at that. " I'm gonna feel like a right jackass if he ends up picking Cameron because I'm admitting this on national TV and everyone's going to see it but Christ, I hope he picks you."

Jimin laughs. " I hope so, too."

" Come here."

He goes in for a hug, patting her twice on the back. " He's lucky he has you."

" Funny, he doesn't seem to feel that way, but I'll let him know you think so."

They walk back inside together, Jungkook talking quietly to his mum, and they both stop talking when Jimin and Suri reappear.

" I'll walk you out."

Jimin shrugs. " Yeah, I guess it's about that time."

He says his last round of goodbyes to Jungkook's family he leads him back outside, walking hand in hand up the stone path back to Jimin's hotel room.

Jungkook traces his thumb across Jimin's knuckles. " They liked you."

" I liked them, too."

" No, they really liked you. Like, they might try to make you their son, instead."

He smiles. " Might have to have your mum call my mum first, to see if it's okay."

" You're ridiculous."

Jimin clears his throat, nervous.

" Hey, can I ask you something?"

" Of course."

" You don't have to answer if you don't want to, if you're uncomfortable."

" I won't be uncomfortable."

" Okay." They stop in front of Jimin's hotel room door, Jungkook waiting patiently. " Did you..." He squeezes his eyes shut. " Did you sleep with either Cam or Bryce on your overnight date?"

Jungkook smiles. " No, Min."

He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. " Okay."

" Is that it?"

" Yeah, for now."

The way they're both standing there, staring at each other, reminds Jimin so much of a first date, nerves in the pit of his stomach and all. Jungkook's looking at him like he wants to say something, expression so, so serious.

" What?"

Jungkook licks his lips and shakes his head and in the end, doesn't say anything, just kisses him, hands cupping Jimin's jaw instantly, thumbs brushing his cheekbones.

Jimin tries to get every thought and word he has on the tip of his tongue across through the kiss, fingertips digging into Jungkook's shoulders,  and neither of them have breathed a word in nearly two minutes, but he has the feeling Jungkook can heat him, anyway.

They break apart at the same time, Jimin resting his head on Jungkook's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Jungkook drags his hands up and down Jimin's back spelling out secrets and fears.

Neither of them have said. 'I love you' but right now, I'm this very moment

, Jimin can feel it; he knows.

He sleeps better than he has in a month.

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