Chapter 6

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As Jungkook guides him outside, he can hear someone from the other room mumble, " You'd think he'd be kissing Jungkook's ass. What a dick." Jimin doesn't think Jungkook heard it and plans to ignore it, himself, but he grabs Jimin's elbow and says " I enjoy the chase, a bit."

Jimin winks. " My speciality."

" I'll keep that in mind."

They walk down the winding, granite stairs and settle in together on an outdoor couch seated in front of a fire pit. It's hot, but it feels nice. The smell of the burning ash is comforting.

" Alright. Park Jimin."

Jimin raises an brow. " You remembered my full name?"

" I did." He places his hands on his lap. " So, where are you from?"

He waves his hands in the air, trying to remember Lydia's warning not to stare directly at the camera beside them. " Yeah, let's cover all the boring shit first." Jungkook laughs, his shoulders relaxing. " Well, I currently live in Chicago, but I'm from Busan. My entire family is still there, and I'm fortunate that I can typically make one or two trips a year back over there to see them. Or I try to, anyway. I actually haven't been for about a year. Flights have been to expensive and my job has been picking up and, yeah. Sucks, but. It is what it is."

" Ah, shitty that you haven't been back in a while."

" Yeah, that part kind of blows."

" But it's great that you can typically go home so often. What brought you to Chicago?"

" I applied to school there on a whim, thinking it'd be cool if I got in, and then they offered me a major scholarship. I couldn't turn it down. Then I fell in love with the city, the people, and decided to stay there."

" I'm sure your family was pleased."

" Absolutely, I think my mum's words were, Excellent, because nothing makes me happier than having my firstborn live halfway across the world. Don't come back. You're disowned."

Jungkook laughs. " I can't imagine leaving my family. My mum would probably have a similar reaction."

" It's been nice, though. A good change. And it makes me appreciate them more when I get the chance to see them. Limited time, and all that."

" Are you close to your siblings?"

Jimin nods. " Surprisingly, yes, considering their all significantly younger than me, and are all girls, and don't even live on the same continent."

" All girls?"

" Yep, five sisters." He shakes his head. " Oh, and one brother."

" Do you often forget you have a brother?"

He shrugs. " Easy mistake. I can hardly remember my own name, never mind what I have for siblings. My own mother calls me Will sometimes. If she can't remember her kids, why should I?"

" Who's Will?"

" I have no idea."

Jungkook laughs, the infamous dimple coming alive, and Jimin wants to push his thumb into it. " He's your twin that she gave away at birth."

" That wouldn't surprise me. I have two sets of twins within my siblings. Add a third, why not."

" Seriously?"

" Mhm."

" Those are impressive genes, Park."

" Don't tell me, tell my mum."

They chat for a while longer, and Jimin is surprised by how easy it is. He won't say that sparks are flying, because, realistically, they're strangers , and that doesn't ever really happen, but it does feel like chatting with an old friend, and Jimin loves that.

He feels comfortable, doesn't feel out of place when Jungkook rests his palm on his knee, feels natural to lean into it. Nothing is forced. It's a calming feeling, and based on Jungkook's demeanour, it seems to be mutual.

They're talking about pizza toppings

(" Jungkook, it's crucial to know what you put on a pizza, because if you like Hawaiian pizza, we can consider this entire thing done.") When Lydia heads over to them from around the corner.

" Alright guys, times up. Jungkook, I need you to wrap up and meet James in the kitchen. He's gonna start prepping you for the rose ceremony."

Jungkook nods and squeezes Jimin's thigh. " I have something to do first." he replies, still touching Jimin, not really taking his eyes of him.

Lydia sighs. " We still have to start the damn ceremony and it's already past three in the morning. Slowest man alive, I swear."

He smiles. " I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." He gets up and walks away, leaving Jimin, awkward and alone with the camera crew, jogging back into sight only moments later. He's holding his hand behind his back, and Jimin knows he's getting the first impression rose. It's so beyond cheesy, but his face feels hot and his stomach swoops, anyway.

" Whatcha got there, Jeon?"

Jungkook smirks and sits back down, hand still behind his back. " You were the first and only person out of the limo that actually took my breath away, and as it turns out, you aren't just gorgeous." He smirks, shy. I'm really excited about getting to know more about you," He holds out the rose, perfectly red with little droplets of water around the edges. Absurd.

" Will you accept this rose?"

Jimin bites down on his bottom lip.

" I think I'd be pretty stupid not to, don't you think?"

" You can do whatever you want, Min."

It's too early for a nickname and Jimin doesn't care. " I'll take it. Yes. Thank you,"

" No, thank you." He pins the rose to Jimin's lapal, and it looks really fucking good.

The rose ceremony takes forever....they don't finish till nearly seven in the morning - and Jimin is dead tired by the end of it. He can't think of anything other than ripping off his shoes, throwing on a sweatshirt, and sliding into that tiny bunk bed on the second floor of the mansion. It's practically calling his name.

Five men go home, and Jimin is automatically safe, thanks to the first impression rose, and it feels brilliant to know that Jeon Jungkook saw something in him, saw enough to want to keep him around for at least another week.

The remaining men don't seem to care for him as much as Jungkook does, but in all honesty, Jimin doesn't get sweaty palms when any of them look at him, so he doesn't care in the slightest.

The mattress is rock solid and it's the best nights sleep he's ever had.

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