Chapter 37

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They set up on the beach under the cabana, overlooking the sun setting on the oceans horizon, filling their mouths with food that Jimin didn't bother asking if it was okay to eat before he dived in. It's perfect, bordering on too perfect, this dinner date, especially considering the emotional turmoil Jimin tapped into the night before. It feels phony, almost, like they're tiptoeing around their mess, neither acknowledging what or how to clean it up.

Instead of saying anything, Jimin finishes off his dinner and climbs into Jungkook's lap, forcing him to put down his own food.

" Thank you for a fun day," he says.

Jungkook smiles and rubs his hand up and down the length of Jimin's back.

" I'm glad you enjoyed it."

" I did." He plays with the hair at the nape of Jungkook's neck. " I Kinda don't want to leave yet."

He nods. " Impeccable timing."

" Why's that?"

" Because, I have this." He leans over, reaching behind him to pick up an envelope addressed to both Jungkook and Jimin, keeping Jimin still balanced on his lap. " Chris gave this to me earlier."

Jimin rolls his eyes, because as different as it is to be on the show, he has watched it several hundred times.

" Oh, gee, what ever could that be?"

Jungkook hits him over the head with it. " Just open it and play along."

" Fine." He tears open the seal and pulls out the card. " Dear Jungkook and Jimin, should you decide you want to continue this date, camera free, into tomorrow morning, there is a fantasy suite just off the property that has been set up for you to use. If you decide to conclude your date here, your evening will end after dinner and you will separately go back to your individual hotel rooms. The key to the suite is attached, if you choose to use it, and enjoy! Chris Harrison." He looks up at the sky. " Golly, what could we use this fantasy suite for..."

Jungkook laughs. " Activities."

" What kind of activities?"

" I dunno. Arts and crafts, maybe."

" Anything else?"

" I've always wanted to learn how to knit."

Jimin snorts. " Why doesn't that surprise me?"

Jungkook's smile is lazy, his cheeks flushed from the sun. " Do you want to?....Use it?"

He nods. " Yeah. I do."

" Good. Wanna go see it? I bet it has a big TV."

" That's what you care about? A hotel room with a potentially big TV?"

" Jimin, it's probably really big."

Jimin stares blankly. " I can't tell now if your talking about your penis or if your actually excited about a television set."

Jungkook laughs, pushing Jimin off him entirely. " Let's just go."

They get up together, Jungkook blowing out the candles along the rock wall. He grabs Jimin's waist, squeezing his hip, and they head down the path along the infinity pool.

Jimin closes his eyes momentarily, so, so tired all of a sudden, which ends up being a grave mistake, because I'm a matter of seconds, he goes from leaning happily against Jungkook's side to the bottom of the pool.

He sputters to the top, wiping his hair out his eyes. " Are you fucking kidding me, Jeon?!"

Jungkook is standing with his hands on his hips, his smile absurd, and Jimin wants to smack it off his face.

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