Chapter 8

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Once he's able to get over his initial panic and fear and abundance of sweat, the helicopter isn't nearly as bad as he'd anticipated. He has to close his eyes through the majority of it, but it mostly feels like an airplane. An extremely tiny, crowded hot airplane.

Okay, the anxiety is back.

He grips Jungkook's hand across the seat and Jungkook laces their fingers on instinct, and Jimin squeezes hard, needing something to keep him grounded and to reassure him. Every so often Jungkook drags his thumb across Jimin's knuckle, almost like a gentle reminder that he's still there. It's working, just as long as Jimin doesn't look out of the window and down.

He takes a deep breath, listening to himself through his headphones. He concentrates on that, until Jungkook pulls his hand away and drags his fingers across the inside of Jimin's thigh. He cracks open his left eye.

" Can I help you?"

" Jimin, I know you're terrified, and you're doing so well, and as soon as we land I'm going to make a joke about how quiet you've been and how much I enjoyed it, but I don't want you to miss this view. You'll regret it if you don't see what we're flying over right now."

" I highly doubt that." he says through gritted teeth.

" please, real quick, and then you can close your eyes again. And we can take a train back home later, if that's what you want, promise."

" Okay, Jeon, this better be worth it." He takes a deep breath and looks out Jungkook's window. It's. He's speechless. " Jungkook.."

" I know."

Their hovering over the Golden Gate Bridge, looking at it from an angle that Jimin never imagined possible, and it's breathtaking. The fog forming at the very peak makes everything look a bit distorted, but not enough so that they can't see the structure itself or the ocean below.

" It's unreal." Jimin murmurs. " Tell me we're stopping here so I can stare at it some more, preferably like a normal tourist on the ground."

" Oh, I'll do you one better."

Jimin sits back. " What's that now?"

" Don't freak out."

" Jungkook..."

" You'll love it once we get to the top, I swear."

" The top of what, and you better tread very lightly here, pal."

Jungkook smiles. " The harness will be secure, and you'll have a helmet, of course."

" What in Gods name are you trying to get me to do, because I can already tell you the answer is a big, fat no."

" We're climbing time the top of the Golden Gate Bridge."

" Is that even legal?"

" It is today."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Jimin, please. I wanted to do this date with you specifically. The producers tried to get me to save this date until at least week three but I begged for it. And with you."

Jimin groans. " But why?!"

" Because I'm nervous too, I told you, and I wanted to be here with you, doing it together. And I couldn't wait till week three to get you alone."

He groans again, louder this time.

" Ugh...fuck."

" Is that a yes?"

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