The RAW before MITB

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*As the titantron shows the recape of the last three weeks between Dominik and Cody, you and Dominik walk out and head to the ring. Dominik sits on the middle rope, you smile at Dominik as you enter the ring. You and Dominik stand in the middle of the ring as the recap keeps going*

You: Did you see what I posted on instagram earlier?

Dominik: That picture of you in the hotel?

You: Not that one. I saw someone do art of us

Dominik: That's cool! What kind

You: It was you and me as if we were getting married, but instead of a white dress, I was wearing a black dress and Finn was the priest

Dominik: You would look good in a black wedding dress

You: I always saw myself wearing white, but black would look good on me too

*Someone from time-keepers then comes over with two microphones and gives them to you and Dominik*

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome one half of the WWE Women's Tag Team Champion and the Women's World Champion, Madelyn Jayne and Dominik Mysterio!"

*You and Dominik stand in the middle, your arm around as the crowd cheers and boo for you both*

Crowd chant: Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami! Mami

Dominik: Welcome-

*The crowd gets louder as they boo Dominik and you say 'shut up' but just not in the microphone*

Dominik: Welcome to Mon-

*Dominik gets cut off again by the booing. Dom lowers his microphone as he turn to you, angry*

Dominik: They just keep going!

You: I know. Ignore them, they don't matter with the business we have right now

*Dominik nods his head and raises his microphone*

Dominik: Welcome to-

*Dominik gets cut off again by the booing. Dom throws his arms up before lowering his microphone as he turn to you*

You: I got from here. Cody Rhodes-

*You get cut off by the crowd booing you*

You: Oh, now you wanna boo me, now huh? Well, Cody Rhodes, your little favorite Cody Rhodes, he is a wannabe and a loser. His momentum has been slowing down as of late. And at Money in the Bank, Dom's going to end it completely-

*The boos turn into cheers as Cody's theme starts playing through the arena, you and Dom both look towards the ramp, you slowly lower your microphone before turning back to Dominik with a pissed off look*

You: How dare he interrupts me!

*Cody walks out with a smile on his face and the crowd gets louder*

Crowd: Woah!

*You cover Dominik's ears as the pyro goes off before uncovering them as Cody walks down to the ring*

Dominik: Why is he even out here?

You: Cause, he got nothing better to do

*Cody grabs a microphone and gets in the ring and Dominik gets out onto the apron while you stand in the middle of the ring, facing Cody*

Cody: Dom, I think, I think I know what you were trying to do. I think it would've been pretty special. I'll just go ahead and do it. Savannah, Georgia!

*The crowd loudly cheers*

Cody: Welcome to Monday Night RAW!

Dominik: I wanted to say that! That's what I was going to say!

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