we best head back to kiddo

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earlier that day

Leah silently crept out from beside Jess in bed, moving the small girls grip so that it was on her pillow, and not Leah's shirt, allowing her a swift exit. She kept her fingers crossed, begging that her sister would remain asleep despite not being laid next to her, praising everything when the soft snores continued.

She had finally managed to get the small girl to sleep for a bit, after watching her almost doze off into the Lego set they were working on. A new habit had been formed, where Jess insisted on fighting sleep for as long as possible, but after literally watching her eyes close, and throw open a few moments later, she knew she'd have to convince her to sleep. All it took was for her to hum a little song, and a few moments of hair stroking for Jess to fall fast asleep, Leah's rumbling stomach giving her another task to adhere to.

After just about managing to slip out of the small girls grasp, she silently made her way out the hospital room, first in search of nurse Julie, who was, as ever, stood behind the nurse's desk nearest to Jess' room.

"Are you okay Leah?"

"Yeah, I just need to head to the vending machine real quick."

"No problem, I'll keep an eye to see if she wakes up."

"Thanks Julie!"

That was all the reassurance Leah needed to make the small walk down the hallway. The vending machine wasn't too far, nearer to the entrance then it was to the room they were staying in, but wasn't so far that Leah felt the need to walk at a quicker pace than usual.

Despite being in her own little world, Leah quickly found her attention drawn away from the vending machine to the figure who had just walked through the sliding entrance doors, giving Lia a wave to gain her attention, in which she did so successively.

They greeted each other with a warm hug, one that they both clung onto for a little longer, before stepping back. The entrance was silent, nobody there at all except the two of them, lingering beside each other. 

"First time in a little while when it's been just us again, hey" Lia laughed off with the defender, who gave her a warm smile in response.

"Yeah, it's all been very Jessie centred, which reminds me. I don't think I ever thanked you properly. For quite literally everything Lia, you've been so amazing."

"It's nothing, honestly. I just wanted to help you both. I care about you, Leah."

An awkward silence fell over the two of them, stood opposite each other. There was nobody other than them in the room, giving them time to be transported into their own little world, designed by simply gazing at each others eyes.

The two of them both found them lost in each others gazes, like nothing else existed at that moment of time. The world paused. Nobody was there, except them.

It was broken when Leah took a small step closer towards Lia, their bodies almost touching, raising her right hand to Lia's cheek, moving her face upwards. Bending her knees slightly, Leah leant forward, placing her lips against Lia's.

There was no intent behind the kiss. It was filled with love, and affection, as she kept her hand against Lia's cheek, allowing the Swiss to melt into it. The purity of the kiss allowed the two to simply soak in the moment, Lia melting into Leah's presence further.

Lia adjusted the way she stood, moving her hands so that they rested softly on Lia's hips, allowing herself to press her own lips further against Leah's. She didn't know how long it lasted, but felt the rush when Leah finally pulled away, breaking her contact with the Swiss, who simply stood where she was, keeping her eyes on Leah.

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