48🔸A Yadava's advice

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"Som" I tried to fix my gaze on my seven years old who ignoring the warning in my voice kept running after his brother.

"Mata ask Satanik to give me my sweets back!" Som demanded while Satanik hid himself behind me

"If you two do not stop now, There will be no sweets at all for the rest of the month for either of you" I tried to sound as firm as possible watching my son's pupil expanding in fear while my five years old giggled from behind until I hold his ear and brought him before myself replacing his giggle with a wail.

Kneeling down to his highet I smiled "And no new clothes for you either, Prince Satanik"

This gave Sutsom a hearty laugh while Satanik huffed. Leaving his ear I rose on my feet "Where is Srutasen?"

"He is with Eldest brother" Satanik replied still appearing concern about not getting new clothes.

I chuckled silently and turned around to instruct the maids about the dinner preparations while my sons kept their silly whispery arguments up. They were exactly like their fathers. Their looks, interest, hobby even way of walking and talking were exactly like their respective fathers. My mother in law said I gifted her with her sons' childhood.

Prativindhya had always been a calm and composed kid, I never had to raise my voice on him while my second one, Sutasom was totally opposite. He and my third son kept me on my toes. The youngest, Srutasen was just three but quite obedient from this tender age.

I couldn't imagine how Maa Kunti single handedly tackled her kids. On top of it, she had five and not four.

My stomach did a somersault as the thought of a little version of Arjun on my lap, calling me mother and playing with his brothers appeared in my mind.

Arjun, Arjun, Arjun

Why did all my thoughts ended up with him? Despite being separated for years there was not a single moment that my mind and soul didn't remember him.

And I loathed myself for being so weak towards him, so very desperate when he barely—

"Pranipat Matashri" A soft voice hauled me out of my thoughts and I looked at the entrance of my room where stood my first born, bending his head.

His formality even towards me made me smile "May Maa Gauri blesses you dear, come on in"

"Mata, there's a Yadav waiting outside to meet you" He informed while I narrowed my brows in confusion taking little Srutasena, who ran towards me, in my arms.

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