Chapter 263: Double-edged Sword (2)

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Murder with words.

A saying that metaphorically refers to stabbing one's opponent in the vital point with sharp words. It means that a person's words can always be a weapon.

Commonly referred to as a verbal jab or factual violence, this proverb emphasizes the immense power inherent in human speech. If maximized, it can completely ruin someone's life.

In this way, human speech harbors terrifying potential. The one who skillfully manipulates words possesses the power to crush another's ego, gently pushing them into their own trap, revealing their true character.

This concept is applicable in everyday life as well. While being eloquent may often invite accusations of arrogance, it depends on how one wields their words.

Moreover, the message I conveyed to Count Letici aligned with the concept of 'murder with words'. If Letici had claimed suicide was just that, it would have led to a long and convoluted argument. However, his response to the homicide question left no room for such complexity, making things much easier.

In my past life, parents like Count Letici were widespread. They belong to the class frequently seen in countries like South Korea, India, and China, where there is an abnormally high emphasis on education.

Everyone has a limit to what they can endure, and if they cannot withstand that limit, they break down physically and mentally. And the end result is stepping into the escape route called death.

Towards such children, people tend to not blame the child but rather the parents. They criticize, pointing fingers, saying, 'You pushed the child like that, you punished them.'

Parents, when faced with such criticism, often come up with similar excuses. 'I didn't know the child would have such a hard time. I only did this because I wanted the child to do well.'

Of course, if you carefully consider their words, they're not entirely wrong. Parents have experienced more events and have had more reflections than their children, undoubtedly.

But it's ridiculous. Parents are meant to guide their children along the right path, not manipulate them like puppets. The difference between these two roles should be clearly understood, and it vividly demonstrates how challenging the role of a parent can be.

Parents must guide their children along the right path while preventing them from going astray, but this doesn't mean controlling and suppressing them. It can be asserted that there are no parents who can do all of this at once.

Especially if adolescents are emotionally crushed without even properly forming their personalities like Cherry, their future is undoubtedly bleak.

Even though there may seem to be immediate effects, living with depression and self-loathing is prevalent, and as adults, there is often no difference from their childhood state.

In that sense, Count Letici can be seen as severely lacking in parental qualities. Embracing twisted philosophies, he governed his children's education according to his own whims and even went so far as to manipulate them like puppets.

He falls just short of being called an attempted murderer who almost drove a promising child to suicide.

"··· ···"

Count Letici's expression turned blank when I mentioned that he almost became an attempted murderer while wearing a bright smile. It was as if he didn't quite understand what he had just heard, his face containing a myriad of complex meanings.

Even as I maintained my smile while looking at his face, though he may have misunderstood the philosophy, Count Letici's intellect was sharp. He would surely understand the implications of what I just said.

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